Jessica "Lil Wanderlei" Andrade Wooping Jessica Penne Gif

She missed like 5 of every 6 punches she threw, but Penne was looked embarrassingly lost.

joanna told her friend how to.
Isn't that the girl who cried on TUF about being made fun of based on her looks and proceeded to insult Joanna for looking like an ogre or something?

Pleasing to see her battered.
Penne should go into bikini modeling ( rear view only ).

That was hard to watch.
She missed like 5 of every 6 punches she threw, but Penne was looked embarrassingly lost.
she actually doesn't miss every 5 of 6. She missed the first two then lands 5 consecutive. You can count them if your able to
Isn't that the girl who cried on TUF about being made fun of based on her looks and proceeded to insult Joanna for looking like an ogre or something?

Pleasing to see her battered.

lol no

what the hell are you talking about? noone ever insulted joanna like that on tuf, jessica andrade never fought on tuf I think + they are friends
Joanna is way more technical in slow motion.

Makes no difference though. Penne is done.
she actually doesn't miss every 5 of 6. She missed the first two then lands 5 consecutive. You can count them if your able to

I wasn't talking about the gif brainiac, I was referring to the fight in general.
I wasn't talking about the gif brainiac, I was referring to the fight in general.
well for one you didn't specify and two most would assume considering the first post is a GIF of the finish
Had that been any guy fighting it would be actual damage and a knock out
christ send her to invicta or give her some easier fights that and the joanna fight was like watching a lamb getting slaughtered