Thank you but all I see is combat jiu jitsu. I also see nothing there that states jiu jitsu or whatever. What was this dojo storm about? Looks like someone wanting to either pick a fight or basically going in there full retard not getting his facts organized/right.I couldn't find this place on Facebook and their website seems pretty janky and only says "combat jiujitsu" which based on the description is just some crappling to make people think they are learning what they see in "da UFC bro".
But I personally couldn't find anything where online that said they had BJJ with a BJJ black belt. Still a crummy mcdojo but I can't really decide yet if this James Rodriguez guy is justified or not.
Also, I'm just playing Devil's advocate here so don't flame me, but what if on one of these Dojo storms the guy getting stormed does spar with the BJJ blue or purple who is storming them and just starts punching them and stomping em and all this crazy stuff? I think that'd be interesting to see. Or the dude getting stormed beat down the BJJ stormer like 5 on 1. Something to consider when organizing a dojo storm like this.
Thank you but all I see is combat jiu jitsu. I also see nothing there that states jiu jitsu or whatever. What was this dojo storm about? Looks like someone wanting to either pick a fight or basically going in there full retard not getting his facts organized/right.
Guy is concerned about reputation of BJJ, makes BJJ guys look like tools.
skimmed through it what I garnered. From video is basically some delusional idiot who. Did not get his facts organized or right and stormed inside a school full retard..Wait, people actually watched that 45 minutes long rant from a random blue belt?
His instructor posed on UG saying that he was wearing his BJJ GI and his TMA BB when teaching NON BJJ classes. Dont know if that claim is true, but that seems to be their story. Cant watch the vid since i'm at work, but im not sure if i even want to based ton the responses.
It does say BRAZ JIU JITSU on the side of the building.