ISIS releases major propaganda documentary

I like watching propaganda from all sides in these sorts of things. I don't know how you can have an interest in history and current events, and not want to watch these things.
I don't know if I've seen this one (the video has been removed?) but I watched an ISIS documentary a while ago. I can't remember it in detail. It wasn't long on information, mostly just religious uber-patriotism, going on about the warriors willingness to sacrifice themselves for Allah.

Ya it was removed but i just found another one; i updated the link if you still want to watch it.
I guess if you call prosperity suffering lol. Are you a Muslim?

I'm not Muslim. So you attribute our prosperity to the Fed? Is that what you're trying to say? When the video explained our banking system, and our debt, please clarify what you didn't understand, or what you don't agree with.