Is Trump actually "draining the swamp"?


I see you've come to this battle of wits unarmed
Aug 25, 2012
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One of Trump's campaign promises was to "drain the swamp" of corruption in DC.

Given how Trump's administration has played out so far, do you belive he's followed through with this campaign promise?

Simple question. Please provide evidence/sources with more complex sources, thanks.
Hes filling the swamp with his own creatures.
He's filling it up so when he is ready to drain it he can drain twice as much! MAGA!
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If Pay for Play is considered draining the Swamp, then yes.
His entire family and closest circle are made up of swamp creatures.
The entirety of Washington is the swamp. Push for term limits.
Already the most openly, brazenly corrupt administration ever.
Nobody thinks Trump is draining the swamp. Everybody knows his administration is the swampiest we have seen in decades. Nobody thinks he's honest. Everybody understands how corrupt these people are. Millions of them still think that's a good thing.
Amazing, Trump can spout absolute false hoods and still the rubes believe, Trumpism is a straight up cult.
They don't believe so much as they believe that it's right to falsely "believe." This is how religions work, especially cults.
They don't believe so much as they believe that it's right to falsely "believe." This is how religions work, especially cults.
I honestly believe if anything fatal ever happens to their dear leader half his cult would commit ritualistic suicide and follow their daddy into the Mara-a-Lago of the afterlife.

Trump is the swamp. He was calling President Xi president X-i before Preibus smartend him up before they met.
A bunch of dems keep getting exposed the more these investigations go. Same with republicans. It's alright.
A bunch of dems keep getting exposed the more these investigations go. Same with republicans. It's alright.
Mueller is close to nabbing one of Trump's favorite "dems" in Jared Kushner. That will be a sight to behold. Jared and his ex-con father Charlie facing fraud charges otra vez. lololol
I honestly believe if anything fatal ever happens to their dear leader half his cult would commit ritualistic suicide and follow their daddy into the Mara-a-Lago of the afterlife.

I'd like to think so, but they would probably just move on to David Duke or something.