Is this a troll job.

Not saying he is in great shape. Or that he even looks good. But I bet he has more fitness than most here.

Do you hate Joe Rogan? I think he's awesome. I detected a hint of jealousy from your post.

nah not jealous man. i guess it just comes off a little odd on here that i don't want to look like a juiced up goblin. in normal life you dont see many people that look like a tattood beef stock cube. if people assumed from joes appearance that he was mentally ill that might be a little prejudiced, but yknow. he does look like an extra from an 80s action movie. i can picture him riding an armoured rottweiler through a forest in a conan movie, firing arrows at straw huts. im pretty sure thats how he sees himself anyway

in all fairness i wouldnt mind being as rich as him tho