is the word 'cracker' racist?


Nov 28, 2010
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this is not a hate thread
don't turn it into one...

recently someone posted the word cracker
a fellow poster called it racist
wondering why it wasn't censored if ****** is

this sparked the question...
"is the word cracker racist?"

it's a derogatory term towards white people
any derogatory term towards a race is racist
no racism should stand

sure, if you are using a word to stereotype an entire race, that is pretty clearly racist. That said, who cares. We dont have the history of being oppressed, so racist words dont affect white people as strongly.

Yes it is.
It's racist by definition. Liberals want to control the meaning of words to further their current social objectives. It's all about politics, not semantics.
Yes, but it doesn't carry the historical animosity that the word ****** does.

But yes, still racist.
No, because I eat Triscuits
Triscuit crackers are brown.
Well its meant to be a racial slur so, yeah, its racist.
But I would actually laugh if anybody called me a cracker with any legitimate bad intentions. I don't find it insulting.
not when talking about food.
Why the poll, Fugue? Is this tangential to another thread or was there something in the news recently that inspired this thread/poll?
should the words colored and black be considered racist too?
they are used in derogatory ways as well...

white is a considered a positive adjective
other races have attempted to reclaim color for pride
however brown and black pride can have as similarly negative connotations as white pride
fear inducing

in this country American means white
everybody else has to hyphenate

Toni Morrison​

is this tangential to another


It's the essence of stupidity. If you're offended by someone calling you a cracker - you're an idiot and probably deserved to be called such a stupid name.
Racist, yes. Offensive, no.

if something is racist but not offensive
what makes it racist?
isn't offense the point?

can something offensive about race not be racist?
should the words colored and black be considered racist too?
they are used in derogatory ways as well...

white is a considered a positive adjective
other races have attempted to reclaim color for pride
however brown and black pride can have as similarly negative connotations as white pride
fear inducing

in this country American means white
everybody else has to hyphenate

Toni Morrison​


Why would black ever be considered racist???

The term African American should be considered racist. Black Americans are Americans that just happen to be black.

So should the term native American. It presumes that other Americans aren't true Americans or native to this land
Racism towards Caucasian is real
Until that is acknowledged....the hatred will continue
True story-- I have a slang dictionary printed in the 60's that details the origins, meaning and use of slang words from the 1800's on up, and apparently cracker (or cracka) is derogatory black useage for a leftist white person, whereas honky refers to a white rightwinger.

I think the distinction (and thus the terms' rich tradition/heritage) has been blurred these days by careless common misuse. Perhaps proud grammarians should fight to take it back
if something is racist but not offensive
what makes it racist?
isn't offense the point?

can something offensive about race not be racist?

I just think that for the most part white people don't give a shit about what other races call them. Not nearly as sensitive about such things as other races