Is Schaub the most hilarious mma personality ever?

The gy was a middling pro fighter who successfully segwayed his career into something that doesn’t require physically degrading the body and blunt force trauma in the job description. I cannot hate the guy for that, sure his comedy sux and his mma analysis is hit or miss, but popularity drives the train and it seems someone likes his product, who are we to judge? I’m personally happy for the guy, he found his niche after fighting and genuinely seems to enjoy his work, not very many people can claim those circumstances.
Only whatever clips people post on sherdog to make fun of how stupid he is

Not a very credible opinion on it then. Im not saying he's a good comedian, I'm saying he works on the show. Von busts his balls constantly and shaub can laugh at himself.
I think he's funny. He's a naturally funny dude. Doesn't mean his standup is the best. I definitely laugh to him on his podcasts more often than I do with Joe's but Joe is much better at standup.
Hilarious as in goofy, ridiculous and cringeworthy? Absolutely!
He made a living by forcing famous people into friendships with him by being a robot that agrees with everything they say, then using his connections to carve a forced path into the comedy and podcast scene.

He has work ethic, which keeps him in the game.
I can’t imagine who his audience is, but I guess he must have one
I don't get all the hate. I'm not a fan of his comedy from what little I've seen but that's fine, I just don't watch.

He seems like a good guy all around and although I disagree with things he says at times he doesn't really take it all too seriously.

When he's on JRE especially the fight companions he says things are pretty funny.

He seems like he'd be fun to hang out with so I don't see the need to bash him.
I Hated Schaub in his fighting days and grew to like him and his personality as he let go of mma and became better off w/o it. War @Schaub
Schaub is just proof that when it comes to careers networking is the most important thing.

This guy has no business being a comedian
Gawd dawg, y'haders can lose my number B
He might be the most undeserving millionaire of all time.
Dude fucking sucks at everything, but somehow manages to keep getting richer. The Rogan push is no joke.
Only time he made me laugh was when watching the randy jerk off tape..he said something like "wonder does randy cum red white and blue."