Tested positive repeatedly now that USADA is around.
Not yet.
What? When did he fail any USADA test before!?
the problem with that is that you don't know they don't cheat. you don't know if bisping cheats. nobody knows any of this, we only know when they fail the tests. creating a list based off of guys who didn't fall for PEDs yet isn't very smart. fedor was never subjected to USADA random testing. neither did GSP. both silva and jones failed under the new rule. and nothing says the other 2 wouldn't share the same fate.
The GOAT doesn't cheat. There are only two left in the conversation anymore.
Yeah I remember, I also remember DC also had similarly low TE levels (http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2015/1/9...aniel-cormier-te-ratio-low-drug-test-mma-news ).What about those TE levels, that STRONGLY indicate steroid use