Is it possible to gain lean muscle and loss fat similtaniously?

It is hard to do but is also possible. I am curently doin it. Watch your diet and eat massive protein, at least thats what i am doin. I still make progress in my lifts, and lose weight. The weight loss will be slow however, and some weeks ,the weeks you gain muscle you will see no weight loss. This is the slowest way to lose weight but imho the best. Obviously it is not the easiest method, but not everything worth doing is easy.
Try doing high intensity cardio training! And grouped together with 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound/kilo of bodyweight and a good muscle building program(8-12 repetitions) and see the difference when you play around with it, get plenty of rest and a workout routine that feels good and switch it up every few weeks and surely you can achieve that.
I personally have never been able to do this, and dear lord how I've tried. However, I do agree with the other posters, I imagine your ability to do this varies wildly with how in shape you already are.

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