Is being old sad

My grandma died at 88 from pancreatic cancer. One of the last things she told me was,
"88 years wasn't enough." that shit just shook me to the core.
80 seems like an eternity away until it’s not. We all should learn to stop worrying and go crazy with it.
Take the advice in this thread sherbros. Stay healthy and active.

I see this difference between my great uncle and grandma, one very active and the other now bed ridden but prior didnt do much outside reading and tv. No way do I want to end up like that.
Gravity wins in the end. When you think about it, we're all just being slowly smushed. I doubt it's much fun past 65.
When you lose your marbles, are easily and often confused and then get angry at others for some sleight when they actually did what you told them to, that's sad. I know someone like this who is a supposed animal lover, but seems really mean on the inside.
I met a man in May, I guess +70 years old.
Asked for directions he was on a bike holiday.
Got an email from him yesterday, 5 weeks later he has biked 4500 km and was heading back home.

If you have your health and interest getting old can be alrite.
If you are a fat slob with no interests, well you probably wont get that old.
Life is what you make it.

Some folks will find and manifest joy, others will find and manifest misery.

Keep your mind and body as healthy as possible and stay curious and have passions to pursue. Time is a gift.
When you lose your marbles, are easily and often confused and then get angry at others for some sleight when they actually did what you told them to, that's sad. I know someone like this who is a supposed animal lover, but seems really mean on the inside.
that's one thing I was going to articulate, many, many old people are so bitter and angry that they make their own circumstances worse. Unless you're a care worker, you aren't stuck being around an old person. I had an old friend, maybe 72 at the time and I just couldn't handle his nastiness any longer, i stormed out his place and we never talked again. I felt so guilty when he passed, and sad. I shouldn't have just abandoned him like that, wasn't right and what he said to me, no matter how nasty wasn't that big of a deal.

My stepdad is now 78 and he told me that his daughter warned him about being nasty to people because he'd end up alone. It's kinda true, he just seems to not want to be bothered and I feel like I have to respect that even though I miss him.
I am not old, but i get a longing for the past sometimes. It hurts in ways that cannot be explained. Poor old people.
know exactly what you mean, even bad times of my life I kinda miss today.
I feel bad for old timers who retire with no passion or hobbies.
Laying around watching YouTube and naps is depressing way to go out.
Pretty much this, barring not having physical health problems that could restrict one.
You spend all your time watching TV or browsing social media when young, you will have nothing to do when old.
Especially this generation as social media would have long since rendered them irrelevant.
Develop real purpose, passions and past-times and they serve you well now and as long as life lasts.
The toughest part about being old as a man I think is the prospect of simply not being useful anymore, or not having a purpose. I think there's a pretty glaring statistic that shows that a ton of guys just die when they retire. It's like the soul knows.

For women it's slightly different but still related-- the fear of not having connections. Being able to speak to people, give insight and advice they value, as opposed to being waved off or tolerated.

Both are items related to pertinence. There's no doubt about it, getting old sucks.

As to your question on why God allows it, it's hard to say. I will only point out that God has silently permitted much worse things
The toughest part about being old as a man I think is the prospect of simply not being useful anymore, or not having a purpose. I think there's a pretty glaring statistic that shows that a ton of guys just die when they retire. It's like the soul knows.

For women it's slightly different but still related-- the fear of not having connections. Being able to speak to people, give insight and advice they value, as opposed to being waved off or tolerated.

Both are items related to pertinence. There's no doubt about it, getting old sucks.

As to your question on why God allows it, it's hard to say. I will only point out that God has silently permitted much worse things
I read that the average Police officer dies five years after retirement, they don't always retire old either, I mean, 55 or so. I read that they pretty much have so many health issues from their job that it kills them. Not everyone can handle just sitting in a room with a can of bear and a lot of old, bad memories like that.

As for others that I've known, it's across the spectrum. So many guys just can't wait to retire, obsess about it, talk about it constantly. One guy is a photographer who retired from teaching, he looks like he's having a ball if his Facebook is to be trusted. Then, I had an uncle who retired and lived for another 20 years or so and most of that time he was of sound mind. One thing for sure, is if you abused yourself as a young person, all of that comes back harder at the end of your life in your health. My uncle was an alcoholic as a younger man and he had diabetes from it and lost his legs eventually. Presumably had to give up driving too, which, it seems, many old people fear for obvious reasons.
It would suck getting too old to masturbate or post on Sherdog. *shudders*