Intermittent Fasting and Boxing Training

Digz and Gainz

White Belt
Jul 7, 2016
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Guys help me out here! I am 17 years old and have done Intermittent Fasting for over 5 months! I have followed Kinobody's style and after it, I lost a good amount of fat but my endurance went down rapidly as I ate crappy foods like him!

I find that when I have a healthy shake for breakfast and a light lunch, I have energy for Boxing in the evening!

Can all of you give me some advice on my calorie intake and the foods I should stick too?
Kinobody is an idiot who simply has good genetics (may or may not be juicing to cut). Intermittent fasting is romanticism, not scientific. If you're boxing and you're 17 you also don't need to worry about when you eat or this / that, you'll be losing fat or gaining muscle, depending on how much you eat.

Just eat when it's convenient for you, and make sure you eat enough nutrient rich foods
I know a professional who fasts for Ramadan (the whole no food until sundown thing). But I don't know much about how he compensates for it. When I was training everyday, I had to eat a bucket of food for lunch to have enough energy to get through the evening, but everyone's body is different.

Check out the Diet and Supplement sub forum. They'll help you out.
There's a proven way to eat healthy and it's multiple small meals a day eating healthy, natural, & whole foods.

It's just hard to do so people want to choose easier diets.

You need a lot of raw food, so find vegetables you can snack on. I eat carrots, seeds, peanuts, and 1 piece of fruit during the day when working. Its easy and gives you what you need.
A lot of bad info here.. There is nothing wrong with intermittent fasting.. I have lost a shit load of weight, have more energy than I've ever had, and I'm not losing muscle mass... Side effects are better sleep and sharper mind.. I do two 24 hour fasts per week and maintain ketosis throughout
I read "intermittent farting" and thought... yeah man, I took a left to the abs and lost the ability to control my gas production.

That shit's embarrassing, but not as bad as when Timmeh shat himself.
Problems with eating fast, easy, juicy delicious foods is they have bad macros. By macros i mean it has nutrients of fats, protein, and carbs that may not be in your favour. When losing weight you want a lot of protein to minimize muscle loss as muscle is catabolically costly. Intermittent fasting is also not a bad diet approach, its that some folks go overboard with either fasting too long or thinking they can eat anything and magic happens. Most importantly other then protein intake, is when to refeed your body and go on a diet break to reset your leptin levels and bring up your endocrinological system up close to normal. Boxing involves a lot of strength endurance, and cardio you need adequate amount of carbs. Also dieting too long has effects on your nervous system so you are not an efficient athlete. You cant maintain your beautifully tight muscles properly when your CNS is at a depressed state. This why you need to take a break and eat at maintenance.
Senri, my man, that may be the most cogent post I've ever read from you. Nicely done mate.
I only eat between 10am and 6pm.... And it's worked wonders for me.
Its only going to work if you are gonna train in between your feeding period
I only eat between 10am and 6pm.... And it's worked wonders for me.

I try to do the same thing. I'm less active these days so it suits me well. Small snack after I get to work, lunch, and then a small dinner right around 6 (mostly so I'm not hungry when 9 or 10 rolls around. Usually by midnight when I'm going to bed I start to get hungry. Then I'm excited for bed, because I get to time-travel to my morning snack.
People just need to eat healthy natural, nutritional diets and the rest works itself out. All else is bs and short cuts.
Senri, my man, that may be the most cogent post I've ever read from you. Nicely done mate.

Yes Mr Shoot, I aim to enlighten and migrate the man to the universe one step at a time.
Yes Mr Shoot, I aim to enlighten and migrate the man to the universe one step at a time.
We are all conduits for the energy of the universe. Embrace and let it flow through you, feel the juices.
We are all conduits for the energy of the universe. Embrace and let it flow through you, feel the juices.
I try to do the same thing. I'm less active these days so it suits me well. Small snack after I get to work, lunch, and then a small dinner right around 6 (mostly so I'm not hungry when 9 or 10 rolls around. Usually by midnight when I'm going to bed I start to get hungry. Then I'm excited for bed, because I get to time-travel to my morning snack.
This makes you an intermittent faster..

A lot of info in this thread reminds me of the movie American pie.. Specifically the scene where dudes that have never experienced sex are describing the feeling to the main character... Which leads to a horrible demise for an innocent apple pie.... Unless you have tried I f, you simply can't know the benefits.. And I'm pretty confident that those that do try it will see benefits.. Not just in terms of weight loss