Instructors with great credentials that aren't great teachers

I knew a guy who took lessons from Dean Lister for a while before Lister left the boxing club, and he said he thought the guy who taught him after Lister left was a better instructor than Lister was. He basically said that it seemed to him like Lister was so far above and beyond in terms of knowledge and skill that it was difficult for him to transfer some of the basic info to complete noobs.

Though, this guy was also an idiot, so I don't know how true the info really is.
I've had the same thing happen- I've felt that I'm not at a high enough level to learn from some BBs.
But while I can't hang with their technique, they definitely push me ahead by leaps and bounds when it comes to concepts and over-all strategy
Anyone have a BJJ (or other kind) of instructor that has great credentials i.e. black belt, past top competitor, but doesn't teach well?
I have a professor that is top notch in knowledge and credentials. He is very good at BJJ, but does not teach well in my opinion. He shows some techniques and then has everyone roll. He never gives feedback or shows the key basics. When a good blue or purple belt is training with me I learn more, see where my mistakes are made, and get key basics that would have been nice from the start.

my guess is that he is teaching for the higher belts. Not every class can be geared for the newer students.