Incredibly racist Chinese commercial


Silver Belt
Oct 13, 2006
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I'm not surprised since I live in China. Lately there has been a ton of propaganda against foreigner men with Chinese girls.

Totally disgusting.... The black guy is way more handsome than the chinese guy. Talk about a downgrade.
That commercial is hilarious to me, racist or not.

People need to stop having a heart attack anytime something racist appears. Racism, although stupid, isn't murder or rape so stop acting like it is. I went to a pretty diverse high school and my friends and I would trade "racist" jokes all the time.
Saw it yesterday.

Fucking love it lol. Pure gold!
I don't want to use detergent that is guaranteed to shrink my penis.
Hmm, it's interesting to see such blatant racism/propaganda in the media. Can you imagine if a commercial like that came on in the US?
Holy shit. I was gonna let it fly until he actually turned into an Asian dude.

It's for the best, though. Brother woulda torn that vag apart.
When SJWs go international...

India and China represent two of the world's most dynamic, booming economies. Their populations jointly comprise a third of humanity. The countries both consider themselves now finding their rightful place in the world after centuries in the shadow of an imperial West. Part of their economic rise has seen both nations build robust ties with countries in Africa.

For Beijing and New Delhi, the continent is an important arena not just for trade, but for the exercise of soft power and wider geopolitical goals.

Yet many Africans who have come in the tens of thousands to China and India as students and businessmen, petty merchants and backpackers, complain of persistent racism.

In February, a Tanzanian woman was stripped and beaten by a mob in Bangalore after a Sudanese man, in an entirely separate incident, was believed to have hit a local with his car.

Last year, an Indian publication put together a moving, sad video, below, of testimony from African students and professionals about their experience of daily discrimination. It also includes 2014 footage of a mob in a Delhi metro station attacking three black men with sticks, while chanting nationalist slogans.

"It's like I have a disease," says one student in the video.

Italy knows what's up.

Not quite the reaction I expected. Although I don't blame you guys, you're not a minority in China so the issue isn't important to you guys.
Not quite the reaction I expected. Although I don't blame you guys, you're not a minority in China so the issue isn't important to you guys.

I think we, in the West, are all tired of cries of racism and the constant leftist surge toward political correctness. Maybe we're just not meant to assimilate after all.

If you're in China, and surrounded by assholes, maybe the message to take from that is that you should get the fuck out of there and go be among your own kind.
What I want to know is what's up with the Uncle Cheng who decided to take the role in the first place?
That commercial is hilarious to me, racist or not.

People need to stop having a heart attack anytime something racist appears. Racism, although stupid, isn't murder or rape so stop acting like it is. I went to a pretty diverse high school and my friends and I would trade "racist" jokes all the time.

I honestly wish some of the SJWs could listen to some of the banter that can go on between a racially mixed group of friends, I believe it could literally cause a heart attack.