In what society would currrent American black people flourish?

His argument holds zero merit, its beyond over simplistic and extremely perfunctory. His whole premise is berating 40 million people based the actions of sub 7000.
He provides no analysis, reasoning or thought out process.

It's an obvious attempt at subtle vitriol against black people

While I agree with you that there is subtle racism here, this simplified version of reality is not only accepted by those who are racist towards black people, but it's accepted by many average people, including those who are sympathetic to the black community, which has them making the same argument as the TS with a different premise, that is, instead of it being the fault of black people, it's the fault of white people.

If we accept that black people can and do flourish, and that it's not about skin colour but other factors that are correlated with skin colour, like poverty, single-parent homes, etc., then what exactly is the race problem? I think people like to have it both ways.
While I agree with you that there is subtle racism here, this simplified version of reality is not only accepted by those who are racist towards black people, but it's accepted by many average people, including those who are sympathetic to the black community, which has them making the same argument as the TS with a different premise, that is, instead of it being the fault of black people, it's the fault of white people.

If we accept that black people can and do flourish, and that it's not about skin colour but other factors that are correlated with skin colour, like poverty, single-parent homes, etc., then what exactly is the race problem? I think people like to have it both ways.

Fine, but if you're going to make the thread, at least attempt some analysis like you did. Otherwise, its just a simplistic attempt at berating the majority because of a minority

I mean

"The left has decided America is racist, and all you'll ever cite is results, but where in the world is 6% of the population committing over half the murders make everything else equal?"

What the hell does that even mean? Cite what results? What else is equal?
Fine, but if you're going to make the thread, at least attempt some analysis like you did. Otherwise, its just a simplistic attempt at berating the majority because of a minority

I mean

"The left has decided America is racist, and all you'll ever cite is results, but where in the world is 6% of the population committing over half the murders make everything else equal?"

What the hell does that even mean? Cite what results? What else is equal?

Agreed, but I can easily see a response to the TS that says something like, "black people could flourish in a non-patriarchal, non-white supremacist society", acknowledging a problem, but laying the blame elsewhere.

My post was just a comment on the fact that people accept this premise from different perspectives, so I think it's prudent to not only deflect one bias, even if only one was implied, if that makes sense.
You're comparing religious ideology with race -- you cant say muslims do x therefore it is comparable to black people doing Y. Or, if you were, you would at least have the capability to to actually note Muslim extremist do ___ which shows some parallels to black criminals doing ____

Its obvious from the start TS has a specific bias -- otherwise he would actually put thought in the OP and fairness in his title.
No I'm not. I'm using an analogy to make a point.

No where did I compare black people to Muslims.
Mixed race western conservative societies.
Can be said about white/black/whatever. Liberalism is a cancer to us all.

I actually left a forum I'd been part of for ten years because it became ridiculously liberal.
This very discussion came up, and I asked everyone, "I can understand that slavery and a "Hey, you're free now, fuck off and build your own successful society, just stay the fuck away from us" history has disadvantaged black Americans, but how long does that remain a viable excuse? "
The serious answer given by many posters was "Forever".
There has to be some point where black America's problems belong to black America.
Black people in Britain do just fine, but we don't have the constant race baiting "you're a victim" horseshit being fed to them through the media like the US does
We get it. Black people are inferior. Sheesh...
I actually left a forum I'd been part of for ten years because it became ridiculously liberal.
This very discussion came up, and I asked everyone, "I can understand that slavery and a "Hey, you're free now, fuck off and build your own successful society, just stay the fuck away from us" history has disadvantaged black Americans, but how long does that remain a viable excuse? "
The serious answer given by many posters was "Forever".
There has to be some point where black America's problems belong to black America.
The fact that Asians do well, even when coming to the country with only the shirt on their back would indicate to me that time is now.
I'm from a middle eastern immigrant family so I know this situation better than anyone else. All of my uncles literally arrived with one shared suitcase of clothes and all are filthy rich now. Living the white life. Being sued for racial discrimination for trying to evict tenants who deal drugs, etc.

However I see newer immigrants from the same region choose "Option B": Affiliating with the political left (even though they think they're a bunch of gay freaks who should be hanged), preaching about the imminent breeding out of the white race (even though they dreamed of interacting with it for their entire childhood) and being intentionally flat broke to maximize government aid (making $2,000 a year might disqualify you so $0 is the way to roll).

The welfare state and leftist oppression myth is so potent that a threshold is crossed. There are more immediate benefits to just assuming fetal position and pretending to be an oppressed homeskillet while succeeding means effort, misery, getting ripped off, getting the short end of the stick.

Then they shit out kids. Kids who have nothing but a lazy parent, the oppression myth and anyone who tries to tell them the real story being depicted as a racist and quickly removed. A high-fertility criminal caste.

You need to start a podcast or something. Or YouTube lectures. I think you're arguably more educated, and higher iq'd, than most people who discuss politics. And, perhaps just as important, you have a sense of humor. Or maybe you are already doing what you want and have no interest, but I'm consistently impressed by your posts.
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We are often told that black people vote democrat. Trump got like 13% of the black vote. I'm willing to bet that 13% of the black vote are people that don't commit crime and tend to have a higher IQ than their peers.
So voting for Trump=higher IQ? Or does that only hold if you're black?
The fact that Asians do well, even when coming to the country with only the shirt on their back would indicate to me that time is now.
Well it's not that simple. Asian people don't come here with all the same baggage of slavery and segregation, and all the shit that comes with that, lousy schools, the crime associated with poverty in projects.
But yes, the time has gotta be soon.
If you can own your success, you can own your failure. Black America has itself long recognized there's a serious problem that can't be boiled down to "white people".
While I agree with you that there is subtle racism here, this simplified version of reality is not only accepted by those who are racist towards black people, but it's accepted by many average people, including those who are sympathetic to the black community, which has them making the same argument as the TS with a different premise, that is, instead of it being the fault of black people, it's the fault of white people.

If we accept that black people can and do flourish, and that it's not about skin colour but other factors that are correlated with skin colour, like poverty, single-parent homes, etc., then what exactly is the race problem? I think people like to have it both ways.
The race problem stems from the fact that the specific economic position of the black community is related to, if not the direct result of, the centuries of institutionalized oppression directed at them which only ended roughly 50 years ago if at all.
The fact that Asians do well, even when coming to the country with only the shirt on their back would indicate to me that time is now.
I know this is the stereotypical scenario, but most Asians to my knowledge are coming from well-to-do backgrounds when they come to the US.
Blacks can do anything they set their mind to. Many are flourishing in America.

The biggest obstacle they have to overcome currently is the decline of the black family. Biological mother and father are not together with the kids in the home. Too many single mothers. And too many of the urban blacks blame their problems on whitey.
I think if we ended the drug war, there would be a vast improvement in all the statistics. Especially in the internet age. At one point knowing where Italy was on a map made you a race traitor. But now kids can follow their curiosity online wherever they want. They can talk to whoever they want.

It would also be a drastic improvement to stop focusing on why they can't succeed and realize they have more options 99% of people who have ever lived.

Could Caesar fly to China on a whim? I could. I have more options available than former Emperors. Sure they had other power but they were also .0000001%ers.
I know this is the stereotypical scenario, but most Asians to my knowledge are coming from well-to-do backgrounds when they come to the US.
Asians probably have intact families. Mother and father both raising and supporting kids. Most of the time, urban blacks don't have their father in the home.

Asians are also some of the most disciplined and dedicated kids. You see it in the kids at school. Just incredible discipline. They put white kids to shame too.