Im so tired of this internet troll culture

I was born in 1988

78, my generation were the last who had to get their porn from hedges or homeless alcoholics. We wacked off to clothing catalogues. Literally a slightly darker part of a bra where a nipped showed through could cause a boner that lasted days. We told each other we would meet up days in the future at an arranged time and place and had no way to tell eachother we were running late! Photographs had to be developed and ring pulls came off the can.

You're a millennial.

Honestly don't remember my point.
I'm tired of the "take any niche group or activity and call it a culture" culture.
You act like you're 14...

I bet you cup your farts and then push them towards people around you.
Nope cant say I that have. But one time when I was on vacation I peed off our balcony on a old lady sun bathing. Unintentionally of course!
Everything I loved about life as a kid was ruined by the internet.
go kill yourself or move to a third world country.