I'm PISSED!!!!


Gold Belt
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
I have been wanting Jifs peanut butters for a long time bro but I cant find them until I realized they are no longer being sold in Canada!!!

This pic triggered the fact that I have been on and off looking for this peanut butter brand:


I am PISSED!!!!
Penis Butturd is bad for you.
You're a racist dog?
hey man at least you didnt get yellow carded until the second coming of jesus
Racist dog can have jif and u can't. That's life bro
I don't get it.

I live in Canada and since 2013, I have been craving Jifs peanut butter on and off which is almost 4 years now. I saw this meme today and it reminded me that I still want Jifs peanut butter. I searched and realized that they don't sell Jiffs anymore bro!

Penis Butturd is bad for you.

I swear to god bro, you are one cheeky poster here.

You're a racist dog?

Its just a meme that has Jiffs peanut butter which is a brand that I enjoy. I saw the meme today and realized that I still want me some Jiffs peanut butter but after searching I realized its been discontinued bro!
I live in Canada and since 2013, I have been craving Jifs peanut butter on and off which is almost 4 years now. I saw this meme today and it reminded me that I still want Jifs peanut butter. I searched and realized that they don't sell Jiffs anymore bro!

I swear to god bro, you are one cheeky poster here.

Its just a meme that has Jiffs peanut butter which is a brand that I enjoy. I saw the meme today and realized that I still want me some Jiffs peanut butter but after searching I realized its been discontinued bro!
4 out of 5 racist dogs prefer to lick Jiff peanut butter off your balls over Skippy. I like to use crunchy peanut butter for the silly little tickles you get while its being licked off. :oops:
I'd be pissed if I lived in Canada too.

Bro, I just want some goddamn Jiffs peanut butter!

ur daughter had sex witha black guy?

Its just a meme of a Golden Retriever that triggered my love for Jif. I want some Jif's peanut butter!!!

4 out of 5 racist dogs prefer to lick Jiff peanut butter off your balls over Skippy. I like to use crunchy peanut butter for the silly little tickles you get while its being licked off. :oops:

Don't care about racist dogs no more, I WANT some Jif's peanut butters man!
It appears that several peanut butter manufacturers have quit selling in Canada. Do they have some product liability laws? Can't you buy it online?
I remember when peanut butter was cheap like 75 cents/pound. Now it's as expensive as meat.
sorry bro for your loss

I will pay my respects
