"I'm not surprised motherfu&@er" video remix. Get in here.


White Belt
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score

Gold jerry. Gold.

Who is ready to get slapped?

"Wanna Get BBQ slapped. Then come on down to big Willys. Taste so good, makes you wanna slap yo momma"

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This was awesome.
Needed some Nate talking about ninja shit though.
My mom won't let me listen to songs with profanity
hahaha Nate says exactly what is on his mind, in the fight or on the mic. At least he's consistent with it.
It wasn't surprising for people that watch fights and know fighters and their skills, the bandwagon people just didn't know jack shit.
Fucking awesome. Someone go post that shit on conors fb, twitter, Instagram, shit il download it onto my phone and you can tape it to conors front door.
Way to go Kenny!! This video has now been a thread starting post 5 times today!!

Nice, but I just wanna make a fat joke about Ronda. So.... consider that done....

She's fat and stuff....
That was great. Shoulda thrown that "I train to kill, always" in there and "touchbutt in the park" to make it a platinum selling single.
Dana was looking to create a legend and he did.