I'm drunk and meat fist can't stop me

As a side note, i just spoke to a friend who was also out on the piss, He remembers buying a 2 kebabs last night but was puzzled when he got up today to find two untouched kebabs lying in the middle of his floor with a dousing of vomit over them. He has no clear recollection of how that happened
lol, maybe he bought the kebabs dropped them, vomitted on them and went to bed, its not really nto that hard to fathom
Originally posted by Sauron
i hate it when people pretend to be drun kand purposely miss spell words

i can spell pretty good when im drunk actually.....
I desperately want to drink beer but Im making a diet and using thermogenics so that could be the russian roulette.
man it's my day off and i'm knocking a few back.