I fucked up my knee today you guy's, playing volleyball,
came down on it all wrong and now it's full of fluid.
What a son of a bitch,I can't even walk up the stairs w/out it hurting,
this is the first time I've ever had somthing happen to my knee.
I hate being injurd,
I was going to go surfing tonight,
the surf is about 2-4 feet and fun. Oh well I'll just sit on my fat ass and eat choclate now
came down on it all wrong and now it's full of fluid.
What a son of a bitch,I can't even walk up the stairs w/out it hurting,
this is the first time I've ever had somthing happen to my knee.
I hate being injurd,
I was going to go surfing tonight,
the surf is about 2-4 feet and fun. Oh well I'll just sit on my fat ass and eat choclate now