
i believe i have, but definite not something viable.
i am a student, not a master...

here is a article summing it up...

Third Eye Meditation

How to Open and Activate the Third Eye

A Step-by-Step Guide

Basic Information: In third eye chakra meditation, the goal is to stimulate and open the third eye. Third eye activation should not be attempted if you do not want to explore the spiritual existence. Everyone experiences it different, and it is therefore difficult to specifically say, what the outcome will be. You can read about my experiences with this exercise in the side column. But if you do like to try it, this third eye technique will help activating your third eye, and the result can be an increasing intuition and capability to develop psychic abilities. Read more about the results and side-effects here

You could call the third eye a window to the "world beyond", or what people call paranormal or supernatural. The third eye is the 6th chakra and is connected to the pineal gland, which is a tiny gland located right smack in the middle of the brain. This little gland controls our sleep patterns and is stimulated by light to inhibit the melatonin flow we need for sleeping.

Third Eye Meditation Guide

A Step-by-Step Guide

Opening Your Third Eye

'Thoh' Chanting exercise

Step 1

Do one of the breathing exercises. You just need to be relaxed.

Step 2

Do the shambhavi mudra, where you turn your eyes upward, so that they are looking in the direction of your third eye, which is on your forehead just above the eyebrows. Do this without straining your eyes. You still have to be comfortable without getting a headache. The main point is for you to focus on your third eye.

Step 3

Take a long deep breath through you nose, hold it for a second while you purse your lips and place the tip of your tongue between you teeth, and gently press your teeth against your tongue.

Step 4

When you exhale through you mouth, you have to chant. It have to be a sound that will give a good vibration to your third eye. The 'th' sound is effective for that. Hum thoh while you focus on opening the third eye.

Step 5

In third eye activation the sound has to be chanted in a b or c tone. You can experiment a little before beginning. When you hit the tone where you feel the vibration in your third eye, you should stick to that.

Step 6

When you hum the sound thoh, it should be long and slow as you exhale. Feel the vibration on your third eye on your forehead and be willing to enter another reality full of bliss and love. Your focus should at all time be on a strong loving feeling. After you exhale, pause for a couple of seconds and inhale deeply again. Hum the sound for about 5 times, pausing between every exhalation.

Step 7

You have to repeat this third eye meditation exercise for 4 more days in a row with 24 hours between every exercise.

After you have completed the Opening the Third Eye Exercise you may feel a slight pressure on your forehead. Or you may also feel a tingling feeling on your third eye or on the Crown chakra.
Third Eye Meditation

Results and Side Effects

After Finishing the Third eye Opening Exercise

Third eye activation has some side effects before you will get the result. After the third eye opening exercise you will very likely experience some side effects in form of pressure on your forehead, tingling feeling on your forehead or on your crown chakra, or you may get migraine. But this will only be temporary and is gone in a matter of hours or days. After that you should start getting some form of result. Of cause your third eye activation does not stop with the opening of the chakra. You still need to do some third eye meditation and stimulating it through reading and learning about it.

Pressure on Forehead

After performing the third eye opening technique you may experience headaches. You may feel a pressure on your forehead while meditating or just during the day. It might just be a slight pressure or it can be a little more intense. This will pass in a few days, but is just an indication on that your third eye has been opened. You will need to keep stimulating it with some third eye activation to make it start working.

Tingling on Forehead and Crown

It is also normal to feel a tingling feeling on your forehead or on the crown chakra after you have performed the third eye opening exercise. This can continue minutes, hours or maybe the whole day. It is different for everybody.


Some people can also get migraine from this, and it may last hours or a day. It is extremely important that you are certain that this migraine did actually start because of the meditation and was not there before. Migraine can be signs of many things and should therefore not be ignored, so it is strongly recommended that you see a doctor if you experience migraine.


By opening and activating you will be able to experience and develop psychic abilities. Your learning ability will increase and you will become more intuitive. You can also train you intuition with certain intuition exercises.

You can also develop other psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, healing etc. But the most important thing is to have a positive mind while exercising these abilities. Do everything out of love. You cannot create out of hate. Love is the main source of the energy in this universe.

hope that helps.