If you listened to Eddie Bravo, you would have known a long time ago that Goldberg was fired

If you listen to Eddie Bravo you would know he says ALL KINDS OF SHIT and separating the possible from the incoherent can be real chemistry.

I will never forgive him for his solar panel conspiracy. Dude needs to know the line, but it is nice to see someone like that be successful in life.

What's the solar panel conspiracy?
What's the solar panel conspiracy?
In a conversation between Eddie and Joe that, unfortunately I was listening to, Joe was explaining how on-grid renewable energy works, specifically the part of selling energy back to the grid when producing more than using.

This sent Eddie into an incoherent word avalanche made mostly of "I don't know about that" "uh" "sounds fishy to me" "you can't trust these people"

To call it a conspiracy is kind. That would involve some story line.