If you could inhabit any game world for real

Drain Bamage

Jun 26, 2017
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If you could inhabit any game world for real, would that be sick? Or kind of lame?

I'd chill in Skyrim for a bit, especially if I could keep all my perks and a few mods enabled hehe....
The first thought that came to mind was the Final Fantasy universe. However, if I would inhabit it the way I am now I doubt I'd be able to deal with all of the catastrophic happenings occurring around me.

Then I thought the GTA universe because I could carry some sick guns and make money. Then I thought about how everybody kills everybody I wouldn't catch a moment of peace.

My last thought would be Pokémon. They have regular humans in there, and I could become a bad ass trainer. Yeah.....Pokémon.
Rapture from Bioshock would be cool

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Mass Effect's universe is very interesting, and very easy to live in.

And every woman, human or not, is hot.



Final Fantasy VIII to play that card game against random people and float around in the floating schools.
Mass Effect followed closely by The Elder Scrolls universe.
I remember playing some free, flash bondage games on porn sites as a teenager...
Star Wars if that counts. Mass Effect is runner-up. Warcraft after that. Halo would be cool, too.

That's presuming I get to be a Jedi/Biotic/Mage/Spartan since it would kind of suck to live in those universes as anything else (and arguably still would...these are universes even more doomed, despotic, or war-torn than our own).