If you could forever pause time, would you?

If I could pause and un-pause time at will I'd become a pornstar.
In my first big scene, just after I brick on the woman's face, I'd pause time and recuperate.
Then I'd jerk of and un-pause just as I blew on her face again.
I'd repeat this over and over.
To every other observer, it would look like the most epic cum shot ever, with the woman being buried in jism as my hair and beard grew out and I aged before their very eyes in some kinda fucked up time lapse.

I feel that would be the best use of such power.
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Pause time? No. But if I could turn back time...
If I could fiiiiind a waaaaaaay.

I was responding to a post. Shouldn't you be whining about how shit your life is?
Nah I do plenty of other stuff too. And, you know, I discuss whatever the thread is actually about instead of making every thread about my personal crusade. Shit at least @RIPWarrior confines his Save the Whites agenda to race related wr threads. "I was responding to the post" Yeah your agenda isn't obvious at all :rolleyes:
That would mean it would be forever daylight, or forever night time. That would get old real quick. I say no. NO!