"If she dies, she dies" Mario Yamasaki

He thinks it's hot, especially when the filthy animals hush during
I kind of miss drinking.. it's funny, without alcohol.. it's harder to understand wtf sherdoggers are talking about.

She was catching nasty bows though..
This girl is just taking a beating for no reason. Complete mismatch. LOL
Damn this girls face is going to be messed up after this fight.lmao
Didn't even stop the fight after the tap. Only thing keeping Yamasaki in check is the NSAC apparently
Mario was an asshole for this one. Being tough is not intelligent defense. Even the crowd knew their countrywoman was out of her depth. LOL
Jesus, and those weren’t soft shots either, that Brazilian girl was tough as fuck.
Yamasaki is fuckin terrible. Has been for a long time.
oh my god. this thread nailed it. Mario, WTF? she even tapped and he didn't stop it until she tapped again lol
Yeah that was pretty fucked up to watch at the end there
Can’t wait for Dana to clown Yamasakis heart sign with his hand lmao
Yamasaki needs to be fired after this. Disgraceful.