I will never surrender

You can do it man! No matter how dark the tunnel seems, just remember taht there is a light at the end and like all things in life everything has a begining and an end so u will find the light at the end of that dark and cold tunnel.. keep ur head up brother!!
The problem is, that if i have bad luck the end of this tunnel will be the end of my life. Im often so fucked, that i almost black out when i get from seated to standing position. Today is the last day i take the antibiotics (have to stop after 2 weeks). Probably it will get even worse within the next days.
If i really make it, i will be the luckiest person in the world (and i will eat a lot of great food ;)).
Sometimes, the crampings in my colon make the sorrounding muscles cramp as well. e.g. the lower back muscles.
This weekend i woke up and "wanted" to go to the toilette. But i couldnt move my legs. The lower back muscels cramped so hard that the nerve was completelly blocked. So it was like i was paraplegic. So i had to pull myself with my arms to the toilette. After i had emptied my colon, the crampings went better and i could walk back to bed. Normally i have absolutelly no lower beack problems. But when the crampings start - Oh my god.
2 more people "bombed out" of the study. The next stuff i gonna take to stay longer in the study i have to inject myself. Ouah! Disgusting!
Never surrender!
Still feel pretty bad most of the time. Have to use Painkillers. But have some good hours. BW: 86 kg (190 lbs). Yesterday i couldnt resist when i felt quite good for some hours and did some full rom chins. Managed to do 12. Not good but not really bad i would say. About 2 weeks until the study is over.
Study is over. Had the examinations yesterday. Bloodwork was bad. Colon is ina bad condition. But it was PLACEBO! Prof told me, that he has big respect for me, that i didnt give up under such circumstances. From today on i will get the medication. Lets see what will happen.
Give em war, graedy, show em that u can beat them...
Oh, yeah i will. Its hopefully the last round. Really tough but you can see the end.
Today i start getting iron-infusions. Next step would be bloodtransfusions. Hopefully it will get better before i have to get these.
I'll tell you what, man. You are a true inspiration to me and I'm sure to many others on the boards. It's a little humbling to see you talking about not giving up after all you've been through/are going through, when I whine sometimes and "don't feel likelifting!", wah. I hope all goes well with your current and futures sets of treatments. Give 'em Hell!
Thx. Makes me know, that im at least worth something.
Had a big arguing with my girlfriend on sunday. Havent talked to her since then. We are a couple for 3 1/2 years today. She helped me very much to get trough all this. But finally it seems like i gonna loose her. I think we are both tired. It HAS to end soon!
I have a question, regarding your illness. Is it not better for your digestive system to eat more clean food or does your system fucks up no matter what you eat?
It fucks up no matter what i eat. Its not just, that i feel ill or have a bad digestion. Im loosin massive amounts of blood and sometimes black out because of the pain. ITs my immunsystem destroying my colon (thats the theorie. noone really knows). Thats why you take the same medis like people do after organtransplantations. But so far nothing helped me...
Its gettin better almost every day. Less bleeding, less pain. MAybe life wants to give me a Christmaspresent.
I hope so you deserve a big present like that for christmas..
Yesterday i took the risk of not having a toilette in reach and went for a walk. Took my Mp3-player with me and just walked arround and enjoyed the cold air. Again less bleeding today. Have to go to the toilette only about 10-12 times a day.
Got my second ironinfusion today. Next time the blood will be checked as well. Hopefully it has improved already. And yeah, i was able to do 13 chin ups. I had to stop because i gassed. :) My blood cant transport a lot of oxygen at the moment. Down to 27 mg Cortison and 9 mg Budenosid (special cortison with less sideeffects but also less effect). Still 12 times to toilettte night and day. But almost no bleeding anymore. Im on the right way. MAybe its gonna be a nice Christmas eve tomorrow.
Today i feel really good. Only 3 times to the toilette untill now. No bleeding. Only very little pain.