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I want to start working out..


Green Belt
Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score

I want to start working out cause I feel I'm a bit overweight. I'm about 28, 5'5 and I weigh at 180 pounds. I have worked out about 3 years ago, but I got lazy and stopped.

My goal is to slim down to around 165 to 155.

Now, I would like to know some suggestions on where to start? Like what should I work on first aswell as how can I keep on the consistency.

our suggestions and comments are very much welcomed.

Thank you very much guys and have yourselves a great day.
First and foremost, start with the fundamentals - your diet. Eat healthy. No sodas, lots of water, high protein intake and try to stay away form refined sugars.

As for your excersize. I use the whole cardio workout one day and then a weight training day for the next (all upper on day, then all lower on another). Be sure to have a rest day.

For your consistency, I would say just find a time of the day where it'd be convienient for you to get a workout in and start doing it that way everday. I make it a habbit when I'm coming home from school to go to the gym since it's only 5 minutes away.

Don't start like you're a pro body builder. Work on having solid form and doing weight that'll work for you. Keep a training log if you please to see your gains and most of all, try your hardest and have fun!

Good luck.
ok thanks a ton man.

im looking to improve in all areas.

excuse me for my ignorance, but what does "core" mean when people are trying to stregthen that part?
THE DIET is the most important thing... if you dont change your diet it wont help to workout...

6 days a week you will take a 45 mintue walk BEFORE breakfust. (Best fat burning method)This will melt the fat of quick with a good diet.

And your diet should consist of Protein 1,5 g per pound of your weight and a little carbs and Healthy fats

Only eat Carbs at Breakfust and after a workout. No carbs after 5 pm. VERY IMPORTANT.

protein : Lean ground beef, chicken breasts, fish, protein powder, turkey, cottage cheese, steaks... etc
carbs: only slow burning carbs, oatmeal, pasta(long cooking time), brown rice. And fruits.
healthy fats: flaxseed oil, olive oil. Fish oil... you can supplement fish oil capsules.

you will eat 5 small meals a day.

an example:

First a 45 minuter walk.
Then breakfust meal 1: half a cup Oatmeal with milk, a fruit and a protein shake or some meat.

meal 2: Chicken breast salad with a tablespoon olive oil on.


meal 3: Pasta sallad with tuna and a tablespoon olive oil

meal 4: Lean Ground beef with brocolli

meal 5: Cottagge cheese or some meat... ONLY protein in the last meal.

And drink LOTS of water.

And your lifting schedule. You will workout 3 days a week. Mondag, wednesday and Friday

Mon: Bench press 2 sets, Barbell shoulderpress 2 sets
Wed: Chins or pullups 2 sets, Deadlift 2 sets
fri: Squat or legpress 2 sets

Try to add 2,5 lbs or 5 lbs on every lift every week. The key is add weight so you get stronger.

Do some real cardio 2 times a week too, ride your bike for an hour or play some sports.

Good luck on your way to your ripped self!
You could change that 45 minute walk like a 20 minute jog if you please to make it a bit more intense. Walking is good too though so to each his own.

Diet is the most important thing as said in most all threads here. The day is 24 hours long, you are awake for about 14 or so of those hours. If you workout for an hour a day, there is still 13 hours for you to waste it with eating unhealthy. If you eat healthy during those hours that you're awake, the excersize helps you get definition and strength. It's all about the diet.
LCDforMe said:
You could change that 45 minute walk like a 20 minute jog if you please to make it a bit more intense. Walking is good too though so to each his own.

Diet is the most important thing as said in most all threads here. The day is 24 hours long, you are awake for about 14 or so of those hours. If you workout for an hour a day, there is still 13 hours for you to waste it with eating unhealthy. If you eat healthy during those hours that you're awake, the excersize helps you get definition and strength. It's all about the diet.

The 45 minute walk before breakfust is the best... dont change it... at least try it for a month and you'll see
Swimming is great, I would start on my cardio first and then start hitting the weights. No point in trying to get strong if you cant hand with the workouts.
I dont agree with the "your diet is the most important part"-advice. As far as i understood you dont want to be a fighter/athlete whatsoever. You just want to loose weight and get in shape for common life. (and i'm assuming you're not eating candy and fastfood all day)

A good start for you would be to work out on a regular basis, if you havent worked out in a while, the lack motivation to keep going when it hurts will be the main obstacle for you. Keep that in Mind.
My advice would be: Focus on at least (!) two 1h workouts per week and increase them as soon as possible. Start with something you like and improves you cardio (which is very weak after 3y of doing nothing) like swimming, running, biking, spinning, aearobic, having sex.

After you've lost the first bunch of pounds it will become hard to get rid of the rest. This is where the diet comes in and where you should increase your workout time.
Persistence and will is the key (like always), nothing else.

Good Speed!
Diet has to be the most important thing. If you eat like shit, you'll look like a piece of shit. The day is 24 hours long, you're asleep for about 10-12 of those hours. You can work out as hard as you can for an hour at the gym, but your shitty diet will nullify that becuase you're eating bad foods for the other 10 hours of the day that you're awake.

Agree/Disagree anybody?
I have to disagree!
If you got enough physical activities going on everyday you can eat whatever you want and you wont "look like a piece of shit" like you said. Again: This is not for someone who wants to achieve something in a competitive sport, this is not the case here. You wont get ripped with stuffing everything into you, but this isnt what "junglist" wants as far as i understood.

Let me put it down like this:
He keeps eating what he does usually ("shitty diet"). Right now, his weight is stable, it isnt going up (and sure not down). Now he'll add to this behaviour at least two 1h workouts (i.g. swimming) a week, increasing those as soon as he is able to. Every factor except the physical activity stays the same. What happens to his weight? You should agree that it will go down.

You will loose your weight faster with a diet cut out for you, that is for sure, but you have to consider the "motivation"-factor i mentioned before.
Diet is easily 75% of the problem. And don't forget the other small things that effect your health and weight. Limit the drinks, no smoking, good night sleep, etc. Running and swimming are great ways to start. Take it easy at first, things will get better. Look at joining a local running or swim club. They usually are very cheap for yearly dues (mine are $30/year) and offer free training to all levels.
Well, Mozart, there's no point to argueing with you, lol. I do agree with you on the fact that if his diet right now isn't making him gain weight then a little excersize can do nothing but help him. Although a healthier diet could be benefical, you must agree with me on that part at least.

Brandhinho, good tip on the clubs. They are cheap and with a bunch of people there to help you with form or encouragement, it will only help you feel motivated and help you achieve goals faster.
A healthy diet is benifical indeed and should be practiced by anyone who is able to do so.
Seeing my overweight cousin just makes me realise how hard it is for some people to let go their comforting eating habits, specially when they are not working out.
Funny thing, his wife got pregnant, but he is the one who got fat like hell i dont know how that works :)

A running/swimming club is a good idea to begin with. Encouragement and a liiiittle competition works wonder.