I wanna fight conor mcgregor!

not really.. Just very kind and fair people to the people living in their country. Doesnt matter if your rich or poor, no job or not.

We take care of everyone as good as possible. MMA is still illegall which is dippshit retarded, and thats why very few ppl train mma in Norway, but in the last years mma gyms have been popping up after McGregor and Ronda came into the seen. So there is a good change.

Oh and dont belive all the news you hear, ive seen lots of deluded shit from (especially americans) when talking about scandinavia.. Do america even know that scandinavia is part of europe? I mean, the ignorance is so strong. haha. Wouldnt surprise me.

Probably far too kind and no not a whole lot of Americans know too much about Europe, I've met many Americans and I've only got along with five.
I would let Mcgreger beat me up, for that kind of money, and I would actually last longer than 13 seconds.
I wanna fight Conor. I am 155 right now.
I fight pro muay thai every time i am in Thailand
In the old Sherdog, Frode had a pro fighter tag. What gives? Peasants are getting uppity.
McGregor couldn't beat a sherdogger in the trash talk, that's for sure. Just say "Cool story bro" every time he talks to you in the lead up to the fight. It'll totally throw him off.