I love to troll hardkorez at the bar

I believe your story TS, even if no one else does.
It was that guy at the bar when Shogun got smashed by Jones. "Shogun by kneebar" I was saying...:(
What is this full Hendricks kit you speak of. 50lbs dumbbell and mobile IV bag
Pics or get the fuck out....

You see someone in a full Hendricks fight kit and don't snap a pic?
I believe it as well. The story is not worth lying about. If you are risking your credibility for such a story, then I really feel sorry for you.
Pics or it didnt happen, this guy already showed you how you can take a fake pic of a retard, just pretend like you're taking a pic of your daughter... and the retard in question is
If you said he had "Bigg Rigg" tattooed on his forehead, that would have been more believable than wearing a full Johnny Hendricks Reebok fight kit
image.png Sub sherdog fighter for Facebook fighter
Name the bar so the security tapes can be reviewed and posted in this thread.
oh its lord tensai, fake