I know I'm not the only one. Have the left swayed you towards the right?

Yep. Identity politics, & also travel. While I met a lot of wonderful people & saw plenty of beauty, it convinced me that the life I get to live, thanks to western values, does not come easily & is worth protecting.
I have always considered myself pretty far to the left but recently have been agreeing more with what i have been hearing from the right. I think how stupid and authortarian the sjws have become has made me realise that if my nation or the world became communist then it would be probably run by these assholes in a distopian/orwellian nightmare. fuck ideology generally
I don't put much weight into identity politics A) it does not affect me much and B) because overall it's a clusterfuck of a conversation whose sole purpose is used to take cheap shots at the other side. But. Why I overall stay liberal is because conservatives will clutch a little too tight to capitalism when we are in a society where labor is essentially worthless. In that case liberals would at least be open to alternative ideas. Hence why I become more liberal at least economically as I get older.
IMO there aren't any viable options to vote for right now in UK politics regardless of which side of the fence you're on. May, Corbyn, Farron, all of whom I wouldn't trust to run a piss up in a brewery.

Do you know how I can tell you're really from the UK?
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Yes, but in fairness I think it's only natural to be a lefty when you're young, and have no responsibilities. It's easier to get caught up in all of their fantasy land ideologies, when you have nothing better to do but smoke pot, and live off of the system, or Daddy's paycheck.

When reality starts to kick the shit out of you, the smoke starts to clear.
I don't get this at all.

So you claim you're on the left.

So you believe in climate change, minimum wage increases, a progressive tax code, infrastructure spending, science and the social safety net and yet you've switched because you don't like social justice warriors who have little to no power in the left. Granted they have more power on the left than they do on the right, but all that means is we don't openly attack them when we see them on the street.
I don't get this at all.

So you claim you're on the left.

So you believe in climate change, minimum wage increases, a progressive tax code, infrastructure spending, science and the social safety net and yet you've switched because you don't like social justice warriors who have little to no power in the left. Granted they have more power on the left than they do on the right, but all that means is we don't openly attack them when we see them on the street.
Hillary is a social justice warrior.

Oh no. This is a dictionary definition of a gradual process. The regressive left have been getting sillier and sillier for quite some time now.

And this is a logical reason for moving further right because ___________
Yup. I was pretty moderate.

I think multiculturalism will be the death of western civilization.
I used to be much more tolerant and open minded to the left. I could never understand those who would view the left as literal enemies who are going to destroy America. Well, I understand now. I no longer have any tolerance for their ideas nor their corrupt political representatives.

They (along with neo-con republicans tbf) have made a disaster of things. Wars all over the place, $20T in the debt, 10-30 million illegal immigrants in our country just chillin, jobs going over seas, racial and social upheaval, corruption everywhere you look. I mean got damn. It's literally could not be worse.

It's time for the adults to take over for a while and clean house.
Hey. I'm with you there, the last two presidencies have torn and tattered this country. Bush left the place in financial chaos and Obama left it in social chaos, but to say that things literally could not be worse is absurd. Things could get waaaaaayyyyyyy worse.

I used to be much more tolerant and open minded to the left. I could never understand those who would view the left as literal enemies who are going to destroy America. Well, I understand now. I no longer have any tolerance for their ideas nor their corrupt political representatives.

They (along with neo-con republicans tbf) have made a disaster of things. Wars all over the place, $20T in the debt, 10-30 million illegal immigrants in our country just chillin, jobs going over seas, racial and social upheaval, corruption everywhere you look. I mean got damn. It's literally could not be worse.

It's time for the adults to take over for a while and clean house.
Hey. I'm with you there, the last two presidencies have torn and tattered this country. Bush left the place in financial chaos and Obama left it in social chaos, but to say that things literally could not be worse is absurd. Things could get waaaaaayyyyyyy worse.
Obama doubted the debt.

Bush and Obama were virtually the same, except Bush didn't support Black Supremacists destroying property and beating white people and was willing to say "Islamic Terrorism"
Our sherdog liberals are really deeply entrenched in stupidity. I do give them credit for their tenacity though. They get owned in every thread but they keep coming back for more. It's really entertaining and this place would be boring without them
Shoot, you want real entertainment, go read the comments section of any Trump article on "jezebel" Youll shit your pants laughing at those wackadoo cunts.

Our sherdog liberals are really deeply entrenched in stupidity. I do give them credit for their tenacity though. They get owned in every thread but they keep coming back for more. It's really entertaining and this place would be boring without them
Obama doubted the debt.

Bush and Obama were virtually the same, except Bush didn't support Black Supremacists destroying property and beating white people and was willing to say "Islamic Terrorism"
Does it matter to you that Bush failed /gave up caring about UBL, but Obama got him kilt?
TS: I can see what you mean and here in Sweden, the left used to be vocal critics of big corporations and globalism. They were very much against supranationalism and the EU up until 2003 when the Swedish Euro referendum took place.

Since then, they have become staunch supporters of EU, if you want to leave the EU, you are labeled a racist. They have stopped focusing on the working class and its plights and instead spend their time promoting identity politics and blaming the white man for everything.
I was expecting more people saying I told you so. Seems like a lot of people share this sentiment.