I can't lose weight even by dieting

Count calories, eat lots of protein, cut down on carbs, lift weights and take a lot of walks...
DUDE! If you are burning 1,200 to 1,600 calories JUST on a bike alone and only eating 2,000 calories you are severely undereating, and this is just plain bad for you regardless of if you want to lose weight or not. You're doing more longterm damage than anything.

Just put it this way, if you burn 1,200-1,600 calories in a workout, you burn about another 1,500-2,400 (depending on bodyweight and metabolism, I'm guessing you will be at the higher range if you're a big guy trying to lose weight) just by being alive and living a normal life. You're expending 2,700 to 4,000 calories a day and only eating 2000? That's as much as a 2000 calorie deficit every day! You can't expect anything but negative results with that kind of deficit.

Is it in anyway physically possible he can living at such a severe calorie deficit for this long of a period and not be losing weight?
OP how are you tracking your calories? Are you using a calorie counting app and a scale to weigh your food? Also how are you arriving at the determination that you are burngin 1,200-1,600 calories on the bike?
Is it in anyway physically possible he can living at such a severe calorie deficit for this long of a period and not be losing weight?

Possibly. Severe water retention is a major part of the stress response when oxidative metabolism is significantly decreased. He's obviously going to be burning fat at that kind of deficit (and probably everything else too), but it might not show up on the scale. Maybe. His basal metabolism would significantly decrease as well, so he wouldn't actually be burning 2000kcal a day.

Either way, OP definitely needs to change his overall perspective and approach to weight loss.
1600 calories on a bike session screams over exaggeration to me.

I think the biggest thing TS needs to do is start from scratch and take another look at how many calories are being consumed, what sorts of food, and what your actual energy expenditure is and plan around that.

Do a food diary for 2 week days and a weekend, and a physical activity profile (Bouchard's is good, pm me if you can't find it on google) over the same days. Doing both of those you'll get a pretty good estimate of what your current situation is.

From that, you can plan exercise and nutrition accordingly to your goals. -1kg a week is a good goal to have long term. If you rush into it biggest-loser style you'll likely fail and rebound in weight.
To lose weight stopping weight lifting excercises should be one of the first things you stop.

Have you ever tried getting your Resting Metabolic Rate tested? They do gas exchange tests for like $65 or so that would determine exactly how many calories your body needs just to maintain itself. Then you could factor in physical activity level and exercise, and you could get a pretty accurate gauge of calories, instead of just trying to mindlessly "eat less, exercise more".

If this post is cheeky, kudos. If you're giving serious advice, you're a fucking idiot.
This isn't a singles bar stop trying to pick up on Sherdog guys by flirting with them like this. :eek:

Besides that a serious answer would be to rely more heavily on endurance exercises and more repetitions to drop weight, more time working out and less time worrying about calories. The thing about spending 3 hours a day on hard exercise is it actually produces results.