I can't fight. I freeze and feel sick, weak at the knees. This always happens.

Everyone has fear in a fight at the start. Read up on mike Tyson for example. I do but its more of the unknowing. I do better when I get punched or attacked 1st.
You don't need to waste valuable time training any fancy shit lad. Just learn the art of the sucker punch. Once you got that down you can take out any punk no matter how big he is. My old friend Bobby D illustrates this devastating move in this little clip right here. Don't be fooled by the misleading title, it is not funny, this shit is serious... it's all in the timing

Guns were invented 500 years ago. You don't need to lift weights anymore.
OP, most people, even well trained and experienced fighters, feel apprehensive before a fight. It's a natural side-effect of adrenalin. You just have to get used to it. And the best way to do that is to train in a good martial arts gym. Your best bet would be a full contact sport like Muay Thai, Boxing, MMA, BJJ etc. Apart from the techniques, you will also learn to both take and give punishment. Stick at it long enough and you will develop the kind of mental toughness that will help you deal with stressful situations.

"Fear is the friend of exceptional people"
- Cus D'Amato
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There's some solid advice in this thread. I'm proud to be a member of this forum.... I wonder how long that feeling will last.
I'm assuming this anxiety applies to more situations in life than just physical confrontations, correct?
Why have u had your ass kick before TS. Was u talking shit?
The reason this is happening, TS, is because your mind and body already KNOW that you aren't able to do much about it (i.e. your fighting abilities are terrible at the moment) one way or another, regardless of what you would attempt.

Your body + nervous system is NOT equipped or able to diffuse a confrontational situation, and even if it WAS, you still wouldn't know/have the tactical angles, timing, movement, etc. ready or available to execute any maneuvers whether planned beforehand or in the moment. Your gut KNOWS you are screwed either way. It is sadly correct.

So... time to change this.

1. Get strong so that people won't want to attack you (it won't be worth it for them, too messy, too much to lose as ALL violent idiots/cowards always have a running Risk:Benefit analysis in the back of their minds before acting). This is the first and easiest step. You'll notice a difference right away in the way you are treated and feel around others. A nice side-effect is that your nerves will be calmer and stronger, having grown several hundred percent (effectively, relative to their current feeble state) just from processing the strain of moderate to grueling exercise. You will also look handsomer, so might as well.

2. Learn how to fight. Be wise with your decision. Pick one of the renowned effective arts/teachers. If you dick around and kid yourself by choosing an ineffective art/teacher, you are setting yourself up for ruin, plus you'll look like (be) a dick while doing it the whole time. Don't be tempted by flashiness. Winning is the ultimate flash, everything else sucks when it goes down.
Wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, judo, MMA. Stuff like that which everyone knows works. Choose one and have fun with it. You don't even have to compete, just get good at sparring, eventually (and especially) with guys in your classes who do compete.

3. When you are able to fight with good technique and are not afraid to get hit in sparring, you will be able to see things from a more realistic, much more relaxed viewpoint. You will NOT lock up and you will be able to out-think/outmaneuver other people in these types of situations, which nearly guarantees victory on your part when you do it smartly (hopefully all the time).

This doesn't have to take years. It should start working in a month. If you do it right and smartly, it doesn't have to suck either. It's not that hard. It'll be the silliest, funnest, most joyful thing you've ever done.

Now you know what to do. Now you have no excuse

Good luck,

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shouldve gone over and told him

"this is how it's done" and proceeded to spit and slap the hobo
All you need to do is touch him with teh jab
One day you will meet someone who will do wrong to you and you'll have to get physical with them. You won't be scared, in fact you will be focused and you'll enjoy beating the shit out of them.
whatchu gotta do is join a gym brah. But don't bitch out and quit when you get scared. I saw a kid one time that had great potential but he literally said to me "im scared" one time when we were clinching and after that I never saw him again. Don't get your will broken by your own mind.
The longer you wait to act in confrontational situations, the worse you'll have it. Just start a fight. Everything else will feel natural. Sure, you might get beaten up but at least you'll conquer your fear.
I can agree with this.

Years ago I was confronted with a situation, but I froze and panicked and that allowed the guy to get the better of me and I suffered my first defeat in street fighting. I learned a valuable lesson that day and now know to keep my hands up, create distance and always be prepared for strikes.

It happened when I saw an older gentlemen getting beat up by a big dude. I ran and shouted "hey get away from him" hoping that would scare him. He turns around and looks me dead in the eye and says "walk away now bitch", in hindsight that would have been the smart thing to do. But I said to him "you leave him alone mister", this got him angry and he came at me and fired off a 1-2 combo, the next thing I remember was waking up with a crowd of people asking if I was alright. After he dropped me he stole my wallet and ran off, the cops arrived on the scene and handed me back my wallet. They told me that after he ran off, he ran into Nicolas Cage who took care of business and the guy is now in jail.