I blew through a lot of money - Woodley

"No one taught me finance"

It's always someone else's fault.

No one taught me finance either but I’m lucky enough to make a relatively good salary, drive a Range Rover, save every month. I worked it out. Take some responsibility Tryon. He loves to blame other people. It’s as if he has no agency over his own life. Classic.
Woodley is such a proper guy, he wants to be a thug rapper so much that he even emulates their shit money decisions and ends up broke like them, wtf
I don't see anything wrong with 2 vehicles. A car and a truck, or 2 vehicles for the family, etc.

I don't see anything wrong with buying houses, assuming due diligence. A second house is a great way to make money on monthly rent, or making it an Air BnB. A few friends of mine own student houses and make bank from them, however they also get 4 am calls to come change lightbulbs, lol.

Buying 7 cars, likely expensive ones, however, is retarded.
Growing up poor is no excuse for being financially foolish.

If anything, the exact opposite. When you are accustomed to money being scarce, that is more likely to encourage you to husband it, not spend like a drunken sailor.

Tyron spent the years he was on top complaining endlessly about the fans. He can’t now complain if he elicits little sympathy from those same fans he insulted. We should all have to suffer through another potential title run (not happening in the real world) and being bored out of our mind while he does nothing for 25 minutes? And all because he can’t control his spending habits?
Omg no wonder he was so careful about protecting his brand.
Haters everywhere in here, Twood came from “nothing” and had every right to enjoy the fruits of his labor, however he should not have been so foolish if he is indeed “broke”
Haters everywhere in here, Twood came from “nothing” and had every right to enjoy the fruits of his labor

And after exercising his ‘right’, he’s now complaining about the fact that the rest of us didn’t stop him from doing so through ‘teaching’ him ‘finance’!