Hwa Rang Do

= choreographed japanese jiu-jitsu with lots of shouting by the uke?

I saw good flow and poor control. Do they do any of their own techniques or just aikido/jiu jitsu fusion? Entertaining for a few minutes if you're bored, I suppose.
I remember back in my TKD days I was obsessed with wanting to learn HWD- just because it's Korean... ah... you be young again... or maybe not.
I remember back in my TKD days I was obsessed with wanting to learn HWD- just because it's Korean... ah... you be young again... or maybe not.
One of my good friends back in HS (back in the 80's) was studying Hwa Rand Do. Back then it looked like A LOT of aikido stuff with kicks and punches. I think they've added the grappling out of necessity. Good for them I guess. Keeping up with the times / reality.
It's interesting that they named it after the military group that invented Taekwondo.
i mean he shows a lot of legit techiques, but the "drama" music and the stupid useless screaming makes this impossible to watch....and he is not smoothe at all, trying to crank everything full force
Wouldn't it be better to just pick up Judo or BJJ, and go to the local boxing gym?
I'm of the mind that if there is an opportunity to train or at least experience a martial art and it's philosophy, and you decline, in thinking that "oh that's just not effective," that you are inherently limiting your own expression in the martial arts.
Most "grappling" in contemporary KMA is crappling, just bad JJJ/aikido.
having personally done Hwa Rang Do till i received the 1st grade belt, the 1/2 red, 1/2 black one, grappling was almost non-existent in actual training, with most of the emphasize on TKD style kicks, but with more sparring than traditional tkd, kinda like a kyokoshin spar with head gear... now i train BJJ and BJJ grapping is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hwa Rang Do "crappling"
Interesting username.

Georges St Pierre, Brazillian Jiujitsu and Marijuana are all top notch items!

I would say they are three of my favorite things, but my mancrush on GSP doesn't quite extend that far. Now if it was [39]-BJJ-[420] thats a different story.
martial arts is all relative...yes, i agree, hwa rang do and tae kwon do, don't particularily fair well in the ring per se but you have to remember that it was never designed for the ring.

Koreans were farmers back during Feudal Japan. Japan at that time was the wealthiest empire in the world and they went on a rampage to conquer all of Asia. They eventually marched towards China, but to get there, they had to get past the Korean farmers.

So China sent "spiritual warriors" to Korea to teach them how to defend themselves. Remember that we are talking about a very limited time before Japanese troops invaded. So many techniques that would be ridiculous to contemplate using today, were completely valid back then. During that time, High Kicks, Spin Kicks, Jump Kicks etc...were all taught because Samurai's came on horseback swinging 32" razor blade katana's at them. So the most important thing was to knock that sucker off the horse. Usually, these high kicks were done leaping from trees. once the Samurai was on the ground, the rest of the Hwa Rang Warriors would jump him.

This also brings up the reason why they trained to punch and kick through wood; because of the wooden plates of armor that the Samurai's wore.

Just as many Grapplers poke fun at the Korean Arts today doing BJJ against a Samurai back then would have been pointless.

Sorry for the history lesson. I don't even study Hwa Rang Do or Tae Kwon Do, but i do believe that every martial arts has or had it's time and place.
Interesting username.

Georges St Pierre, Brazillian Jiujitsu and Marijuana are all top notch items!

I would say they are three of my favorite things, but my mancrush on GSP doesn't quite extend that far. Now if it was [39]-BJJ-[420] thats a different story.

I read some of that stuff and got so aggravated I had o leave ....
someone wrote to me because there was some chump on there talking all about sambo...LOL. Anytime the word sambo comes up anywhere, I get an e-mail ;)

But, that forum has some real ignorant people. I did not even bother posting...not worth the time. But, it is fun to watch...people are raiding the shit out of that site...LOL