How Yall Feel Bout Scalpers/Flippers

I never buy from them. If I can’t get tickets at face value I’m not going.
It can get annoying, especially when it comes to items that I want. Sneaker flip game is ridiculous these days, especially Dunks and Jordans. Nearly impossible to get any pair of Nike Dunk at retail. Unless you have a plug your odds of a retail buy is maybe 0.01%, even worse for super hyped pairs. At least gym equipment has slowed down. That got ridiculous as well due to corona.
Other half does it every day, I used to flip guitars by changing out the pick ups and reselling them for quite a nice little earner. I don't do it anymore though.
Scum of the earth wasting a lot of effort for small profit and not smart enough to learn stock investing.
There was a guy that created a bot to bid then counter bid on stuff. Scalpers would have to constantly relist their products because it was too expensive for the real bidders.
My only experience with scalpes has been with a limited special box of Warhammer 40k that was up for order in july on a saturday at 10am ... 10:05 am they were sold out and ebay was already full of box at 2 to 4 times the price.
Games Workshop fucked all of them over by making the box "made to order" the following week
I wouldn't even trust buying anything from scalper since they have pure shit character, they could have done something underhanded like carefully open the box and substitute counterfeit in there.
If you think about it you can knock the hustle because they are basically racketeering, selling you a solution to a problem they caused.
Dont hate the player, hate the game.
The flippers already out here making bank on the Xbox X and they will do the same with the PS5s. I have mixed feelings bout them. I hate them for buying put everything just to resell them for money and not allowing regular folks the chance to just buy it at retail. But then I also feel like I can't knock the hustle and early bird gets the worm. And this goes for everything, not just video consoles, burbon, shoes,toys,rolex,etc..

These are for the Xbox Series X that came out today for 499
My sisters husbands brother has a “business” he takes credit cards out in other people’s names (they agree to it) and uses them to mass purchase concert tickets when they come out then doubles the price and sells them on his website and give whoever’s card he used a percentage on it. I think it’s scummy. Sometimes he’ll spend $30k on tickets to shit. Tickets somebody else prolly would have bought but can’t now.
Boys get your torches, Lets give em the Salem treatment. :)
Scumbags. Having said that I have semi final and final tickets to euro 2020/21 that I plan on making a profit from
My ps5 comes on Friday and honestly if someone wants to pay me a grand I’ll sell it
For events- assholes. Since there is a finite amounts of tickets and a specific date. You are essentially “forcing” people to buy from you. Dick move.

For an Xbox, not a dick move. Easy to just wait another week or so and you are good to go.