How Would You Respond...


Steel Belt
May 1, 2002
Reaction score
How would you respond if your teenage son just got home from the emergency room.....because he did the tie pod challenge?
How would you respond if your teenage son just got home from the emergency room.....because he did the tie pod challenge?
I would admit some error in parenting that lead to the situation at hand, and apologize in advance for the amount of discipline that is about to be deployed.
I wouldn't be surprised knowing his mother
Me: "Well, I hoped you learned your lesson and don't do something like that again."
I'd move and not tell them where.
I'd hand him his wraps and gloves and set the round timer.
Trick question: I would never procreate.
I'd congratulate him on keeping his innards spotless. Cleanliness is next to godliness, after all. Then I would keep mercilessly mocking his stupidity in a friendly manner while making his idiocy painfully obvious. If he has at least two brain cells playing tag in his noggin he'll figure it out.

Might backfire with boys, but works with smart girls.
I'd enroll him in special education classes immediately and might shoot myself for being such a terrible parent, maybe thats a bit harsh. I might report myself to child services.
Id be very confused, and ask who his mother is.
I am not stupid enough to buy into some overpriced gimmick like a "tide pod" anyways, and wouldn't have one in the house .

If it happened at another parents house, I would sue them
How would you respond if your teenage son just got home from the emergency room.....because he did the tie pod challenge?
I'd blame the NRA and sit back and watch the twitter/facebook likes come in.
I’d be pissed that my son lost the Tide Pod challenge. I raise winners. Id demand he practice everyday until he got it right!!!
Do what parents used to do with cigarettes- make him eat a shit ton of it under the hopes he'll one day hate it




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