how would you describe this woman to somebody?

I think she has seen Over The Top a few too many times.

I would best describe her as "an idiot".
No boobs. Probably batshit crazy. Would bang after 12 shot of jagermeister and a potent joint.
I would describe her? as either Greta Van Sustern on steroids or the love child of a Sea Eagle and a Mountain Gorilla during mating season. She looks like an ape, but screeches like an eagle-it's kind of hot.
My GF makes those same faces and noises when I put it in her butt:redface:
I have a strong feeling she has some stank potato breath. I feel sorry for her opponent for having to put up with that.

They should have asked her to leave for her behavior. She's obviously some sort of tweaker.
To get the full story, you need to read the thread about der eisbar's opulent efficiency apt. and the 8 bedroom mansion across the street. It's the foundation the dime thread was built on. Unfortunately I can't find it.

It got deleted.