How Would Giga Uguru Peform In The Octagon?


Black Belt
Nov 17, 2016
Reaction score

What do u think about this guy. Flashy but not effective in the octagon? Like Uriah Hall?
I would put him in the category of a Professional Wrestler. Has the look and the flash but most likely cannot really fight.
They don't allow nunchucks in the octagon, dude.
Probably gets wrestlefucked. He'd have a chance against a striker with bad defense probably since he has speed and athleticism.
Maybe if he spams the c button. We talking about mortal kombat?
put him against a wrestler to grapple fuck him to death. then he'll retire and sign a lucrative WWE contract
TS screen shot your internet browser history. Just curious what else you are up to.
You should write for your twitter game tight?
If he has good TDD and/or BJJ and knows when to throw flashy shit and when to just throw right down the middle, then he has the potential to do well. Otherwise he does a jump spinning reverse scissor kick, misses, lands and gets knocked out, or double-legged into a GNP or submission death.
not hardcore enough.



Obviously the champ,just saying...Seriously retarded thread.
not hardcore enough.

Bro not gonna lie and embarrassed to admit but fuck it, when I watched this I laughed so hard I almost pooped when he was like "I'm a smoker, lot of people are smokers", cut. Had to poop-walk across my living room trying not to wake my sleeping wife as my dog watched me probably thinking "why the fuck do I listen to these people." Funny as fuck.
Haven't we already seen Ninja vs MMA twice and both times the "Ninja" got destroyed.