How would Cyborg do in UFC 1?

Nah, she could easily pack on another 55 pounds of muscle if she stops actively trying to kill herself bro. If she didn't have to worry about the weight classes and those pesky 125-135 pound weemuns ducking her, she'd easily gain those 66 pounds. And really, the extra 77 pounds would make her ovaries function at their highest levels and she'd be absolutely unstoppable against any and all foes, including(and especially) sterility.
She would be popping out babies between rounds while crushing skulls.
There is only so much to a skill advantage....people love to treat martial arts like it's some mystical super power. If you put a 150 lb woman against a 200 lb guy training won't matter. This isn't a Kung-fu movie

Dude, she is 8 pounds lighter than Royce was in UFC 1 and I bet money she is physically stronger than he was, she most certainly has better striking and ground game than anyone in the event.

I don't get how you guys think that because someone is a woman, they will lose to man, even though she is in far better shape, has far more skill and is likely a bit stronger.
Hm. The world's record for women in 100 meters, a steroid enhanced time no other woman has come close to since 1988, would be a slow time for a serious high school senior boy, and not even in the top 10000 times for men (seriously, no exaggeration, its beaten that regularly by high school guys, let alone college guys around the world).

The Williams sisters, far more athletic and skilled than Cyborg, lost 6-1 and 6-2 to the 203rd ranked male tennis player (who warmed up by having a beer). They said they might try the 350th ranked man, but never did.

The Canadian national women's hockey team, winners of four Olympic gold medals in a row, practices and loses more often than not against local 15-17 year old boy's hockey teams, who aren't allowed to use body checks or hard physical contact.

The Swedish woman's national soccer team, who won Olympic bronze, practices and loses against 16 year old boys teams.

And you think Cyborg is going to have a chance against full grown men? Seriously? There's a reason there are separate divisions for women in almost every sport. It wouldn't even be close.

Now if you're talking about Cyborg against untrained men, or 95% of the guys on Sherdog, she's winning easily. But against trained men? She'll do worse than the Williams sisters, and they couldn't beat a guy not even in the top 200.

Rousey would do no better, and for the same reason, at UFC 1. And she'd also walk all over most untrained males, and most Sherdog posters.

And I can sit here and tell you about how no welterweight can beat a heavyweight and that's why there are weight classes and yet in UFC 1, the smaller man won.

I wonder why?
And I can sit here and tell you about how no welterweight can beat a heavyweight and that's why there are weight classes and yet in UFC 1, the smaller man won.

I wonder why?

Royce has better grappling than Cyborg, and is bigger and stronger than her. She has better striking, but given that she's been knocked down by Barrs, has a considerably weaker chin (Royce took hits from guys that hit much harder than Barrs without going down), and doesn't have any where near the power to hurt Royce (she beats 135 pound women by wearing them out, she doesn't one shot them). So how is she going to beat Royce? Or Shamrock? Or Severn? etc.

The strength differential between a 185 pound man and a 170 pound woman is much bigger than between a 185 pound man and a 220 pound man. Look at measured sports if you doubt this. Or watch what happens when women who are much more athletic (and in the case of Serena Williams, also much stronger) than Cyborg go against men not even in the top 200 - they lose, and lose badly (Serena lost 6-1 against the 203rd ranked male). And yet Cyborg is going to beat a guy who was top five at the world? Watch Royce vs Hughes or Sakaraba or Yoshida, guys who would tie Cyborg into knots (or simply knock her out). Anyone who's seen how long it takes her to beat smaller women and thinks she can beat bigger trained men is kidding themselves.

Or put it this way. If Cyborg can beat men, why isn't she trying to compete against them, at least in countries where its allowed? Women do it in boxing, in hockey, in rugby. The results are always terrible, but they try. If she's the exception and can fight against bigger men (and everyone in UFC 1 was bigger than her), why hasn't she given it a go, given how much she truly likes a challenge? I'd say its because she's trained with men, and knows she'd have about zero chance.

The problem with this kind of talk is that it devaluates WMMA, its used by guys who want to get rid of women's sport by combining it with men's sport. WMMA is pretty good because the fights are competitive and the fighters really put it on the line. Its not good because the women could compete directly against men, and suggesting it harms WMMA.

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