How to pronounce "Iaquinta" the right way

I will always pronounce names like Mike Goldgerg so yeah, it’s AL ayakwintuh
The real Al Ia. is Al Iafrate and I always heard it Ayafraytee.
He most likely doesn't speak Italian so whatever. Want him to struggle with the pronunciation of his own name? Mama mia...
This is 'Murica. The easiest way is the right way. In fact, fuck all that other gibby gabby nonsense, his new name Is Al Yak.
Any chance we can get Oleksiejczuk pronounced here?

I'm still going to pronounce it LA-quinta, get at me.
I agree that the way americans pronounce the name is incorrect

but Iaquinta is not a name of Italian origin
The way Khabib says it is right. Even Al said so while everyone else pronounces it wrong.
It's pronounced "fuck you you ain't from New Yoyk!!!
Well in America New Orleans is pronounced “nu or-leen”s whereas the French city is clearly pronounced “or-lee-on”, so Americans already get to pronounce things their own way.

Brits do it to, Hancock calling Alaska “all-luss-kuh” on the new joe Rogan podcast as well.