How to lose 0.2lb in 1 hour


May 28, 2018
Reaction score
1. Shave all hair on your body
2. Cut all nails down as low as possible
3. Chop onions or have someone hold them under your face.
4. Jack off
5. Overdose on laxatives
6. Have a water based enema or rush off to have a pumped enema. Typically these machines can remove up to 7 POUNDS of fecal matter from the lower intestine

Seriously it isn't that hard to lose 0.2lb. 0.2lb is approx 90 grams, well this is what 100 grams looks like:

Just the enema would do it. We don't know all what he did to drop weight beforehand though.
Or fight at LHW and just up your cardio for 2 weeks.
Imagine trying to jerk off while already being completely dehydrated

I wonder if ejaculating would do it. Next weight cut Yoel needs to hire a prostitute to shoot multiple loads into while he's sitting in the sauna.
Enemas take a while to complete.. laxatives are iffy, as some can contain diuretics.

It's either trashbag bicycle, sauna, or BM. You COULD have the amount of hair to make the difference I suppose...
Imagine trying to jerk off while already being completely dehydrated


UFC is a joke, can't even afford prostitutes to jack off the fighters. Disgrace smh <{cruzshake}>
I would have clawed the rock hard turds out of my own ass to make that weight. It is so close!
The better question is why on earth does .2 of a pound even matter.

Should be a .5 allowance in my opinion, these silly rules are just overkill.
ha, funny thread. laxatives/enema is a good one, though