how to gain weight

el guapito

Yellow Belt
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
i've always been the couch guy. i'm 5'7, over 120lbs. ever since i lost in a judo tournament, i have wanted to gain weight. my physique was really not suitable for judo. i was thrown around by shorter and stocky guys who has a lower center of gravity. i wanna gain weight. it sucks to be thin. what should i do?
Troll. DO RESEARCH! If you are not...go read the FAQ...NOW!
It's as simple as eating like a maniac. Then go over to the Strength and Power Forum and read the FAQ over there for some lifting advice to grow some muscle.
Damn man, my girlfriend is 5'7" 130 and I call her skinny all the time. Eat a lot of food, lift heavy, and enjoy it