How to fail a squat rep...


Brown Belt
Apr 15, 2010
Reaction score
I am getting into territory where, eventually, I am going to fail a rep. I always leave some in the tank and err majorly on the side of caution.


If you get to bottom position and can't get up, what do you do?

What do you do if you are in a power rack?

Free standing?

Are using squat stands with those little safeties?

Are using saw horses?

Advice on how to fail safely much appreciated.
Here's what I do:

It's tough when you're in a squat rack because you have to be the correct height for the safety rails. If I was any taller it would be too low and if I was too short I'd have to squat outside because they'd be too high. A power rack is the best option because the rails are adjustable. If you're using squat stands then I guess you have to dump the weight which isn't that great for the bar and weight. One option might be to buy some mats that you could squat in between and if you have to dump the weight they would at least cushion the weight somewhat.
I use squat stands. I've only not been able to get out of the hole once. I dumped the bar backward off my shoulders as my body shot forward. Like this:

just dump it behind u. push ur chest out and throw your shoulders back and let go of the bar.
I don't bend near as much at the waist as DrBdan, but it looks like he's quite a bit taller than me. I basically just descend really fast until the bar gets to the safety pins. At that point, my ass is just above the floor. I try not to really bend at the waist at all and remain upright, but I'm sure I bend somewhat. I don't think I have a fail uploaded.
Sometimes roll it off the back, other times, bend forward and roll it over my head.
I've had to fail a few in a power rack.

Here's what I did --

First, make sure the pins are set at or slightly below the bottom of your expected ROM. If you're going for a new 1-rep max, you may even want to set them slightly higher than usual, assuming it's not gonna prevent you from breaking parallel.

When I've failed, I was a few inches up from the bottom of the ROM when I stalled.

So, I would slowly descend again and then set the bar down.

And of course the best prevention is being cautious about what you attempt.
There's a reason they tell you to squat in a power rack. Looky look what we have here, safety pins!

Just adjust them as high as possible such that the bar doesn't touch them during your squats, and if need be, just do what Bdan did. Although, preferably avoid rounding your back.
ditch the weight without getting injured. hope this helps.
Power rack:
- Squat down really low and lay on bars
- Dump over head
- Get arms out and drop off back (this is what i usually do)

Free standing:
- Dont fail
- Get arms free and drop off back
I'm not a fan of squat racks or power racks. Stands and bumper plates all the way, dumping the weight is easy:

Lol that guy had no business being under that weight.
I just fall forward and let the safety bars catch the weight, similar to drdban but I go completely forward almost falling on my face.
Great thread. I have been wondering about this for a while.
The first time you bail on a squat (with significant weight), it is scary shit. It was for me anyway.