How to change schools without burning bridges?

The Coolman

Black Belt
Dec 5, 2009
Reaction score
I've finally saved up enough money to start training at a place that offers classes nearly every day of the week. The current school where I train at only offers classes 3 days a week. I'm a terribly slow learner and these last few months I don't feel like I've been progressing by going just 3 days a week. I need a change of pace.

The problem is that I enjoy training with my instructor. I don't wish to alienate him, but I want to start training hard and the only way I can do that is to switch schools. He is friends with the instructors at the school I'm looking at switching to as well so I don't know how he'll react.

Anybody got advice?
The best thing to do is just be open and honest. Nothing can guarantee he won't get upset about it, but people tend to react better when you are open and honest. If he doesn't respect your decision and gets really upset, you probably made the right decision to change schools.
Sounds like an easy switch. Especially if your instructor is on good terms with the other instructor.

Then again martial arts instructors are not always the rational of people when it comes to switching gyms.
Out of curiosity, does your current gym offer additional times where you can go in and train on your own? Because if you are a slow learner, what you might actually need is fewer new techniques and more time spent on situationals or positional drills.

After all, it's not necessarily about how many techniques you know, but how well you can execute them.

In fact, why not ask your current instructor about this? Share your concerns about your progress, and ask if there is anything that you can do to get some extra work on your game. If you enjoy training with him so much, give him a chance to retain your business. If he can't help, then you can leave feeling confident that his gym simply wasn't able to meet your needs.
Like everyone else said, tel lthe truth. If he's a legit dude he will understand.
I had to leave a scholl because of deployment. When i came back i found a school that offered everything the other had plus it was cheaper. First day i went in to train i found out that most of my old instructors changed to this new place too. The owner of the old gym was a dick they all said. Worked out great.
Don't tell people at your current gym where you are going. Don't try to take people with you. Don't explain to people at your current gym the cost to benefit ratio that is making you change. That would be screwing him and probably a part of what he is afraid of.
Thanks for the responses, I'm going to talk to him face-to-face before the next class and hopefully things will work out.
Alternating between schools is not an option? 3 days a week in your current school, 2-3 days a week in the other one?
Alternating between schools is not an option? 3 days a week in your current school, 2-3 days a week in the other one?

I'd be paying over $200 in monthly fees between the two schools if I decide to do that.