How often do you go to the grocery store?

2-3x/week. I cook a lot of large meals, so leftovers for a day or two is the norm. I'll go grab fresh ingredients for the next meal and stock up on coffee, snacks, etc all the time.
Maybe 2-3 times a week, we don’t really do big shops. I might go and buy lunch stuff during the day too.
My wife goes every other day.

When I was single I went maybe once a week, probably more like once every ten days or so.

I used to manage kitchens so menu planning is second nature to me. It saves a lot of money on groceries.
Whenever I need more crabs.
Every other week to Costco for all the groceries, the other week to market to replenish fruits and vegetables.
There's a grocery store at the ground floor of my condo. So every fookin day
6 times a week or so.
2ce to pick up things like meat, fish , veggies, fruit etc on a Friday / Sunday. Then most of the rest of the week for fresh bread from the in store bakery for the family they like.
3 times a week usually. Buy stuff fresh and cook it quickly.
Once a month or maybe every 2 months. I'll order non perishable items online and they deliver to my house. I hate grocery shopping.
Once on the weekend and we spend 160-200 on the 2 of us for the week