How much Pizza can Ken Shamrock eat....



... at one sitting?

I would guess 2 large insider pizzas but if he is in shape then it could be a whole different story.
Originally posted by skullkrusher
... at one sitting?

I would guess 2 large insider pizzas but if he is in shape then it could be a whole different story.

hey ya focK, being pizza huts formost excellent employee of the millenium i would know this:
the insider pizza, (offered for a limited time only) only comes in med, not in that case........with the full lb. of cheese on one medium, i would say he pukes before he even gets through the 2nd one-
Alright all of you, no need to get your Gi's in a knot.
I was doing a piss take of the other ken shamrock threads...


I need to get some avatar under my name and that takes 250 posts!!!
we must hold hold together to repel them. it is impertive that we don ot subscribe to this thread. do not post here.
i repeat do not post here. turn away.

Kill the newbie, Kill the newbie, Kill the newbie, Kill the newbie, Kill the god damn cock sucking post whore of a newbie!!!!

:mad: :mad:
Originally posted by OilinDaDrum

Kill the newbie, Kill the newbie, Kill the newbie, Kill the newbie, Kill the god damn cock sucking post whore of a newbie!!!!

:mad: :mad:

what he said. i think i might have to reshape my opinion on random newbie bannings... DUCK, DUCK, BAN