How much is enough?..

Not looking for a dollar figure, that discussion just turns into a meaningless Ego driven thread..

I know many people Rich and Poor, but I am always amazed at the middle aged and older that still work 60+ hours a week chasing the almighty dollar..

I retired early...I live pretty simply, eat what I want, travel, a few cars....warm in the winter, cool in the summer..

Beyond that what does money really get you? More useless stuff you don’t need, and more pressure to maintain that stuff...

I'm aiming for $1m at the moment.

Reason: with that amount I can't earn more on interest than I spend on living, freeing up time to pursue things I care about that don't generate money.
If I was given 2 million dollars right now I would retire at 27

I know some of you are gonna say thats not enough to last the rest of my life. LOL, nah. I'd find a way to make it work easily.

If you became seriously ill or injured once you'd have to go back to work (if you live in the good ole USA that is)


These two stood in line.
2 answers:

1) What I have right now is enough. I can live comfortably and do most of the things I want to do.

2) Whatever it takes to buy off enough politicians so that I can be the de facto emperor for life, and have my country be run exactly the way I want it to be.
I pull the strings, shit gets done, but no one knows who I am, though they suspect my existence.
Tradition and routine.
Ten years ago I thought I'd retire early, today it's a comfortable groove I can't imagine stopping. More so even because I don't have to.
If you became seriously ill or injured once you'd have to go back to work (if you live in the good ole USA that is)
um, you can get great health insurance in the US. its just not free. why would you assume I wouldnt carry health insurance just because I'm not working?