How much extra work do you put in on your stand up?

Biscuit Oliva

Orange Belt
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
When you don't have practice, or before/after practice how much extra time do you put in? Conditioning does not count.
A lot. Pretty much everytime I am standing or walking and not using my hands I will throw some combos and check my form.

Usually I only do it when I'm alone, but sometimes you just forget yourself.
ill do 2-3 rounds of bag work or light sparing if i feel up for it, but id say 75% of the time the class just about murders me. I will be running soon when i can get my work sched back to normal.
About an hour a day idlly throwing combos and making sure the body flows correctly through what ever combo I am attempting. I always like to try new things.
None, I just train 3x a week. Put in a big session, dont just do the minimum what everyone else does, do more rounds, more sparring, faster, more intense - when everyone has left get on the bag do 100 knees, 100 teeps, 100 kicks.

Then just conditioning or strength throughout the week.
I do an hour of foot wrok drills outside of class as well as an hour of shadow boxing. I also I work on combos walking through the halls of my school and when I'm not doing anything at home
try to get in as much shadow boxing and rope skiping as possible while i'm not at the gym

while i'm at the gym i'll usually skip those routines and do other things
i've got a bag at home so i just stay on the thing for an hour after i finish my homework.

shadow box whenever i can, when im alone...
I spar with the best guys after class. I take a beating, fall down alot and usualyl bleed, but i feel it's making me a better typer.