how much does tattoo ink weigh?


Brown Belt
Oct 29, 2015
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some of these fighters must have like a half gallon of ink. could that hurt their ability to make weight?


Interesting thought but I’m thinking it’s of zero regard
Very interesting. I actually wrote about this for one of my university essay's. The results were staggering!

bout tree fiddy
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Ink is known to affect your sweat glands but if about the weight of ink.
The stain part of the ink probably weighs next to nothing once the ink dries up.
Lol probably virtually nothing. Cover yourself in sharpie, you gonna weigh more?
Having wings on your back actually makes you lighter.

Most dudes with sleeves can hardly lift their arms.
I have 2 tats and they sometimes raise a bit from working out or if I’m drinking...
Absolutely nothing.

Source.. 80% covered in tattoos
Not enough for it to ever be an issue
Weight with and without ink.

Virtually identical Joe. <Goldie11>
How much does a polar bear weigh?
- Enough to break the ice.

That’s how I met your mom.