Not to derail the thread, but most good BJJ players don't use that many different guards. And to the extent that they do, it's usually just to get to their preferred guard (e.g. Leandro Lo used to play a lot of spider, but just to get to X guard). If you're using a ton of different guards you're probably not going to be great at any of them. I'd pick a few that you really like and try to figure out how to get there from everywhere. For example, I can get to 1X guard from virtually any open guard because that's where I like to play from. Some guards I basically don't use (e.g. spider), but if I need to to stop the pass I'll just try to get to X.
I think it's pretty similar in wrestling (certainly is in Judo) where by the time you get good you can do a few things from almost everywhere, but most of your game will be about getting to your positions where you have strong attacks, and if you need to use ties you're not very good at you use them mostly to get to ties you are good at. Better wrestlers than me can correct me if I'm wrong, but what's I've described (forcing the match into the places you're best) seems to be a common quality among elite grapplers under any rule set.