How is trump racist?


A Level Poster
Jul 30, 2015
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So many people saying hes racist for wanting to build a wall. But how is that even racist? Thats just trying to keep illegal immigrants out of the country who could be criminals. Thats not racist at all. Lots of the people who cross the border are criminals who come to america to commit crimes, trump should be wanting to build a wall to prevent shit like that. If someone wants to come from mexico get a green card and do it the legal way with no problems. Crossing the border isnt legal
He's white, for starters
I agree with you, TS, in that Trump isn't really implicitly conveying racist ideas. However, his words on this subject come from a place of overt negativity, and project ideas that are taking people's minds in the opposite direction of where we ought to be going as a society - in my opinion.

Building walls? Pointing the finger of blame at essentially a race of people (people who have inherently far less advantage than most white Americans today)? He may not technically be racist, but he's an imbecile and an asshole, so it isn't far from the truth.
He's not.

That's just something the left yells when they don't know what to say.
I agree with you, TS, in that Trump isn't really implicitly conveying racist ideas. However, his words on this subject come from a place of overt negativity, and project ideas that are taking people's minds in the opposite direction of where we ought to be going as a society - in my opinion.

Building walls? Pointing the finger of blame at essentially a race of people (people who have inherently far less advantage than most white Americans today)? He may not technically be racist, but he's an imbecile and an asshole, so it isn't far from the truth.

who's jumping borders? oh yeah... Mexicans
Trump rose to prominence on Birtherism . Sure he has latched onto public anger at offshoring and open borders but don't forget than in the 2012 election cycle he became a celeb on the right purely because of his very public stance on Obama's Birth Certificate.

Ironically if it weren't for a diehard Hillary supporter Trump may never have become the GOP nominee , because it was a Hillary supporter who created Birtherism.
I agree with you, TS, in that Trump isn't really implicitly conveying racist ideas. However, his words on this subject come from a place of overt negativity, and project ideas that are taking people's minds in the opposite direction of where we ought to be going as a society - in my opinion.

Building walls? Pointing the finger of blame at essentially a race of people (people who have inherently far less advantage than most white Americans today)? He may not technically be racist, but he's an imbecile and an asshole, so it isn't far from the truth.
Exactly, it seems like most anti trump supporters just heard him say "build a wall" and automatically assume hes some racist who hates mexican ppl.
He's not.

That's just something the left yells when they don't know what to say.
ive seen vids of anti trump protesters and they dont even know wtf they are talking about when asked why trump is racist
He's not racist...He just says racist shit/borderline racist shit to get votes from dumb racist White Voters.

When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people!

First of all Mexico doesn't sent the people...Illegal immigrants choose to come her by themselves...2nd of all it's obvious by this speech he is implying that Most Mexican illegals are rapist/drug traffickers...When in reality they are mostly hard working people who don't get involved in that shit.

Had he said "and some I assume are Rapist/Drug Traffickers"....Then we could let it slide.

Of course he will say that to get the racist people on his side.

The whole Mexican-American Judge thing....Bringing the fact that he was born to Mexican Parents thus his ruling is wrong? LMFAO.

Registration/Looking into Muslims to find out what the hell is going on.........Obviously pandering to the racist views of Middle Eastern Muslims.

It's so fucking obvious guys...I have no idea why you people act like what he says is not racist....It clearly is and it's clearly pandering to racist, you people are so pathetic...It's like you people have some hipster mentality..."Everybody says he is a racist, ill say the opposite to be edgy!!!!!!"
He said some negative things about data5000 vs Kimbo, but not Mark Hunt and Big Foot.
I agree with you, TS, in that Trump isn't really implicitly conveying racist ideas. However, his words on this subject come from a place of overt negativity, and project ideas that are taking people's minds in the opposite direction of where we ought to be going as a society - in my opinion.

Building walls? Pointing the finger of blame at essentially a race of people (people who have inherently far less advantage than most white Americans today)? He may not technically be racist, but he's an imbecile and an asshole, so it isn't far from the truth.
I love Mexicans, but I'll build a wall to keep them out, with bricks of love paid for by Mexicans, who by the way are awesome, my cook makes great tacos or whatever
Damn, young Donald looks so much like Dana it's creepy.
Trump has a history of intolerance. His company was sued numerous times for not selling apartments to black people, supposedly when he still had a casino in Atlantic City black workers were ordered off the casino floor whenever Trump was visiting, he didn't condemn David Duke, he was the most outspoken birther, his sweeping statements that all illegals are rapists and murders, suggesting there ought to be a registration database / ID for all Muslims, accusing the Hispanic judge of being biased because of his heritage (despite the case in question having nothing to do with Mexico).

When the Republican speaker of the House outright calls the Republican nominee's statement as the textbook definition of racism, your comment might just be racist.
The view of Trump as a racist doesn't come from one single thing he's said or done, it comes from a variety different elements. To start out his rhetoric on race generally focuses on the short comings of minorities(in this case meaning non whites) and what minorities are doing wrong in the world, that causes some people to view him as a person that believes white people are inherently a positive thing and minorities are inherently bad(on a societal level at least).
Secondly certain sects of his followers do a lot to reinforce this image that he is a person standing up for the white man against the minorities. When you look at places like Stormfront, pol, white nationalist groups, and others that genuinely want anyone non white gone from their societies you find that he enjoys a great deal of support among them. He doesn't actively support these followers of his but the fact that they spend so much time promoting him as this savior that will work to purge minorities creates this image of him as a racist and in turn people call him a racist.

So in conclusion I'd say that a major reason behind people viewing him as a racist is because a lot of actual racists are promoting him and saying that he is a racist like they are.
Donald Trump was sued in 1973 for housing discrimination.

As part of his plea deal he admitted to creating a business policy in which black applicants to his housing bloc were marked with a 'C' for coloured. After that again in 1978 he was sued because he would not allow coloured folk to inspect homes, stating the were filled when there were openings.

In 1992 his casino lost a workplace discrimination lawsuit, to the tune of $200,000. The decision was upheld during appeals.

"And isn't it funny. I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it," O'Donnell recalled Trump saying. "The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."

"I think the guy is lazy," Trump said of a black employee, according to O'Donnell. "And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control."